View Full Version : Regarding Romney

01-07-2012, 07:55 PM
I have been a supporter of Ron Paul since the last campaign, and an on-and-off lurker on these forums since then. That said, this is my first post.

My reason for coming here is that I am quite concerned about the plan for defeating Mitt Romney for the Republican nomination. I think that the Paul campaign is trying to knock out the other contenders to the point that the media sees the race as between just Paul and Romney- at which point the line of attack will be the guy who stood for the same thing over 40 years in the public arena versus the guy who changed positions left and right during his time running for and serving in public office. This may be well and good, but the media narrative is quickly going to shift to "Romney is it" once/if he sweeps NH, SC, and FL. Romney will also likely take Nevada, which I remember him doing last cycle to my own shock until I realized the reaosn for it was that there is a very strong Mormon presence in the state thus making Mitt sort of a "hometown" guy. Ron may finish strong in NH and NV, but I have yet to see what the plan is to make a serious play for a second or close-to third-place finish in SC and FL.

Also, I cannot believe the lack of focus from the Paul and other campaigns when it comes to taking down Romney. He has become much more slick/robotic since the last election cycle, and is very unlikely to make errors that will take himself down this time. Just calling him a flip-flopper is not good enough at this point. He needs to be taken down on the very issues that he and the media say are his strengths- his electability an his private sector record. It needs to be highlighted to Republican Party primary voters that running a weak candidate would mean huge losses at the State and Congressional level at a time when we should be expanding our numbers and influence. It will also mean more of the same Democratic policies and judicial appointees who agree with such policies- maybe even at the Supreme Court level. Primary voters must be warned/asked whether they want to see their candidate lose under a barrage of attacks ads showing him taking both positions on the same issue. It has already happened very recently in American history, as our party used this tactic successfully to take down John Kerry only eight years ago! With regard to his private sector record, I wish that Ron Paul and the others would pin him down in these debates. Romney gets very jittery when he is nervous and starts laughing uncomfortably, but if a follow-up comes and he has to answer he is usually either testy or smiles and says something that contradicts at least one of his many prior positions. I don't have the details on Romney's Bain Capital days, but there are some clips out there on YouTube discussing them, and I just read that Newt's campaign got a hold of some company video that they are going to use against him in ads soon (though likely too late for Newt). I think that Ron needs to get out on the forefront with this line of attack and stop ignoring it or otherwise let Newt try to run with it (as he has lots of "private sector" problems himself). Other than attacking Romney's electability and record, it wouldn't hurt to see some primary ads out there about him denouncing Reagan in 1994 followed by him cloaking himself in Reagan's vision these days- or even better the clip where he declares that he is a "moderate" and that his views are "progressive" followed by some of his quotes from 1994-2002 contrasted with the totally opposite positions he holds at the present.

Remember, voters will reject a guy because they don't like his positions, but that makes it easy for them to settle on a guy who holds no positions. I hope that the campaign does not wait until it's too late to pull the rug out from under Mitt Romney to start attacking his supposed strengths. There are a LOT of low-information voters out there who are very happy to believe/parrot media narratives- they make up most of that 40%-50% that keeps flopping around out there for everyone except Ron Paul and Mitt Romney- and therefore they will decide the nominee.

01-07-2012, 07:58 PM
Yeah - I am concerned too. I think plenty of GOP voters don't like Romney, but I am afraid even more don't like Paul. In a Romney/Paul race, I think Romney will win most of the time.

01-07-2012, 07:59 PM
It's sad that in a democracy the one's who actually decide are the most mindless. There should be entrance exams at voting booths and one should earn the right to vote.

01-07-2012, 08:10 PM
I see lately that in interviews with Doug Wead are tying Romney with Obama as Goldman Sachs boys. I am sure that their plan is to remind Conservative voters why they dislike Obama which is identical to Romney. Bailouts, RomneyCare= ObamaCare. Romney is dyed in the wool status quo, elite that can not identify with the average voter on Americas dire economic situation today. People are angry at what is going on in this country, I think the RP campaign has the intelligence to channel that energy for votes for RP if it comes down to a Romney Paul race.

01-07-2012, 08:25 PM
I have to agree with OP. I think the surest way to establish Ron as the "anti-Romney" is....drum roll.....ATTACK ROMNEY!

Knocking out Santorum wont mean a thing if Romney keeps winning states and Ron gets tagged as the "spoiler" or the perpetual "bridemaid". And besides, FOX and the radio boys have already proven how easily they can resurrect the next "anti-Romney" with an artificial "surge". Gingrich can be brought back to life and so can Perry.

Ron MUST win a state soon or else funding and enthusiasm will dry up. Time to hit Romney and hit him hard.

01-07-2012, 08:37 PM
Obama was bought and marketed by Wall Street to continue ALL of the policies the liberals/progressives DESPISED when they were instituted by Bush. War. Bailouts. Assaults on civil liberty. Assaults on human rights. The SAME Bush agenda was retooled to look progressive via Obama by an Ad Agency that won "Marketer of the Year" (courtesy of Wall Street & Corporate Interest Financing).

But, 2008 could be passe in 2012, and this year Romney had more campaign donations from the "Too Big to Fail" banks that are on the brink of collapse than ALL of the other presidential candidates combined so that the SAME FAILED Bush and Obama policies will be assiduously carried out by Romney, Wall Street's new brand.

Same old...same old. WAR & BAILOUTS & GETTING RID OF CIVIL LIBERTY (just in case the disenfranchised catch on and riot).

Republicans & Democrats are the same wolves. They just keep changing their clothes.


01-07-2012, 09:03 PM
Romney, in my opinion, is BY FAR the greatest threat to our American freedoms. Bought by the same group that gave us Bush & Obama--who carried out the EXACT SAME agendas--the corporate interests are counting on their new boy to bail out the "Too Big to Fail" financial institutions so they can keep up the same corruption that lines their pockets while making sure the people DON'T catch on and get rowdy over it.

The amount of money corporate interests are willing to put into mass propaganda, the blackouts & the extreme slanting of media shows just HOW serious the situation is. There is only ONE candidate that the press DOESN'T assault, not even a little bit--at worst he's called not nutty enough to suit the Republican most right-leaning base--is Mitt Romney. There is a REASON.

The reason isn't one most freedom lovers are going to like.

Ron Paul is a threat to the interests that used Bush and Obama for their puppets. Romney will toady the way Bush and Obama did. That is why Wall Street bought him.

01-07-2012, 09:29 PM
Romney doesn't have a clue how to fix a financial disaster--which is the greatest danger Americans face. Massachusetts had the 3rd worst unemployment record in the nation while he was governor.

Wall Street isn't backing Romney because they think he can fix the economy. That is the LAST THING they want. They want to be assured of bailouts and money printing to keep their system going while Western economy spirals down. They want to take away American civil liberties so the masses can be controlled should they get rowdy when taxes go up and living conditions plummet.

Mitt Romney is bland enough and attractive enough to get elected. He's corrupt enough (see the videos of him flip-flopping--the man will say ANYTHING to get what he wants) to do any dirty deeds Wall Street and corporate interests require while looking sincere.

Bush and Obama were sincere looking, likeable guys, but their war and imperial expansions as they looted the nation's treasury on behalf of Wall Street put the United States on the brink. Corporate interests invested BIG on Romney. He will take us further down the same road Bush and Obama took us. The situation now is as dangerous as any our nation has ever faced.