View Full Version : Ron Paul in Belgium

06-17-2007, 06:03 PM
RP has reached Belgium!


I think it is in French, and the title of the article is roughly translated to:

Ron Paul, King of the Web

And India/Malaysia!:



06-17-2007, 06:10 PM
Cool! The world wants Ron Paul as president.

06-17-2007, 06:23 PM
Here's the translation via AltaVista Babel Fish. Not perfect but you get the gist of it...

Definitely, the republican Ron Paul, the marginal one, the microscopic candidate libertarien with the republican designation for the presidential ones, that which however gives lessons of "reading for the summer" to Giuliani, does not cease affirming an extraordinary success on the Web. He has, this 16 June, the honors of Washington Post. Big national daily MSM of the capital devotes an article to this astonishing success, which continues with insistence on the Web. "Curiously", the "republican strategists note", this success do not reflect themselves in the surveys of the party, - on the contrary, for example, of the success of Obama among democrats. (It should be noted that Obama is a candidate very "in the line of the party" concerning national safety, which is obviously not the case of Ron Paul.)

06-17-2007, 06:24 PM
Ya I've been talking to my friends in Europe and trust me, Ron Paul really appeals to them. My friend in Germany told me that the g8 summit event was an extremely violent protest. There's a lot of worry in Europe because they've experienced in their history things that we as Americans have not. The threat of globalization and loss of sovereignty and civil liberties is a concept that many Europeans can grasp more easily then Americans. I'm looking forward in seeing the other side of the world become involved and interested in American politics, more specifically, Ron Paul :)

06-18-2007, 04:58 AM
I just came across this very interesting article from the U.K.:


Excerpt: "Now and again people have found themselves in places where the course of history was dramatically changed: Paris in 1789, Petrograd in 1917, Berlin in 1989. Sometimes the feeling of momentous change is illusory. When Tony Blair won his first election 10 years ago, perfectly sane people proclaimed that "these are revolutionary times". As most of us realised long before his ignominious departure, that was just what they weren't. And yet to visit the US at present, as I have done, is to experience an overwhelming sensation of drastic impending change."

"All the readings on the barometer and the wind gauge say the same thing. The perfect storm is gathering. Unfortunately the collapse of the neocon project comes at a very heavy cost, not only to the people of Iraq but to all of us."

06-18-2007, 05:10 AM
Bush and his neo-con cronies need to be put on Trial for Crimes against Humanity, they are sick, sick people and need to be stopped now.

Ron Paul could be the new standard that all World Leaders are judged against...

06-18-2007, 05:13 AM
Dr No gets a few paragraphs in the Daily Telegraph. Excellent to see the foreign press taking notice


Ther's also a nice long thread dedicated to RP on the www.housepricecrach.co.uk forum