View Full Version : Still mad, still Canadian

01-05-2012, 02:15 PM
Hello again all,

I was watching this video...


... and had to pen another email....

Here it is... sent to melissa@melissaharrisperry.com

Good afternoon, Melissa.

Couple quick points for your thoughts.

You claim Ron Paul is an “isolationist”.

The basic definition of isolationist that is common to dictionaries is essentially:

“One who advocates a policy of abstaining from political or economic relations with other countries”

Someone has taken the time to elaborate on how the media (and others) have a misguided notion as to this label. Here is their concise article:


Now Dr. Paul has stated that he would actually like to treat each country like the US treats Canada:

• Be friends
• Trade freely
• No monetary aid

As a Canadian myself, I completely agree with those three points. I love Americans as our neighbours (yes, we use a “u” in that word). We have great diplomatic relations, we have extremely high cross border tourism traffic, and we have tons of interrelated sports leagues right up to Major League Baseball and the National Hockey League. The list is so long it isn’t funny. We ARE friends, and I am very thankful for that.

In 2010, our Canada-US trade was over a half trillion dollars.


In fact, WE are your largest trading partner.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_the_largest_trading_partners_of_the_United _States

Please also note in that last link that we are your largest PURCHASER of goods as well…. By far.

And lastly, we don’t receive any monetary “aid” from you.

Nice relationship, isn’t it? How is that “isolationist” in any way? Now look at it from our (and many other countries) perspective. We do NOT have hundreds of military bases in other countries. Are WE isolationist? Are any other countries isolationist simply because they do not set up a “tent” in someone else’s backyard? How would you personally feel about someone setting up such a tent in YOUR backyard and could do nothing about it? What if those in that tent killed your cat, or far worse, a loved one? How would YOU feel?

Now you also mentioned the newsletters. For ONCE, an actual investigative reporter dove into this issue. Ben Swann, who is gaining a fantastic reputation for televising factual information instead of fictional, has just put forward this report:


Perhaps you should really take a look at what happened here, and you might have your answers.

Best regards,

Shawn Smith
Calgary, AB, Canada