View Full Version : The entire field of candidates will gang up against Ron's Iran stance next debate

01-04-2012, 12:10 AM
Ron didn't win Iowa but came within 4% of winning and landed in 3rd place - he's officially a threat. He's got a huge target on his back now - for the bottom tier, it's do or die and they will do anything to crawl their way up to the notch Paul is currently occupying. Did you hear Gingrich's closing speech? He specifically called out Ron Paul and said he'd be taking him head on the next debate. Bachmann and Huntsman have been painting Ron Paul as 'dangerous' the last couple weeks. As for the "top tier", Romney was doing some major Iran war mongering in his caucus closing speech and we all how Santorum feels, and he's ready to get a lot more vicious - look how he just called Ron "disgusting". So I predict it will be everyone against Paul. Be ready.

01-04-2012, 01:01 AM
Wasn't this pretty much what happened in the FOX News Iowa debate? Ron handled it well, and will continue to do so.

I'm more curious how much time Paul will be given. Santorum will be given a huge amount of time even though he's polling single digits in NH and nationally.

01-04-2012, 01:16 AM
If I recall correctly, in previous debates you'd alternate with one or maybe two candidates firing shots at Ron Paul. It started w/ Santorum, later came Newt, and finally Bachmann and Paul directly butted heads. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't ever remember Cain or Romney or Huntsman or Perry challenging Paul on foreign policy during the debates. I think that's about to change, and I think there will be a deliberate strategy to snipe Paul from all angles, and they will avoid changing changing the subject so that each can take multiple shots. It's not gonna be pretty.

Kevin Smyth
01-05-2012, 01:38 AM
The Iran issue is best handled by pointing out that Israel has 300-400 nuclear weapons and that Iran is well aware of this fact so even if they had a nuclear weapon which they don't they wouldn't be stupid enough to use it on Israel knowing with absolute certainty that Israel would nuke every single Iranian.

Kevin Smyth
01-05-2012, 01:38 AM
If I recall correctly, in previous debates you'd alternate with one or maybe two candidates firing shots at Ron Paul. It started w/ Santorum, later came Newt, and finally Bachmann and Paul directly butted heads. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't ever remember Cain or Romney or Huntsman or Perry challenging Paul on foreign policy during the debates. I think that's about to change, and I think there will be a deliberate strategy to snipe Paul from all angles, and they will avoid changing changing the subject so that each can take multiple shots. It's not gonna be pretty.

I'm pretty sure that Perry doesn't know enough about Iran to feel confident in confronting Paul over the issue.

01-05-2012, 01:40 AM
This is when Ron Paul wins. Moments that the pundits keep describing as defeats turn into victories. Michael Steele on Ron Paul: "He's done." Remember that moment?

01-05-2012, 01:59 AM
John "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran" McCain endorsed Romney today! I am sure Romney will beef of the rhetoric to bomb Iran in the next debate.

01-05-2012, 06:10 AM
The debates I have been able to watch it seems like the moderators go out of their way to avoid letting Dr. Paul speak. I wish they would give him equal time and watch him dissect the others. While they are trying to attack him he will blow their minds with logical constitution based truth.

01-05-2012, 06:42 AM
Huntsman is running ads where he claims to be the only candidate to end the wars and rebuild america.

01-05-2012, 02:54 PM
Good, now Ron Paul will have more speaking time.

01-06-2012, 05:22 AM
The debates I have been able to watch it seems like the moderators go out of their way to avoid letting Dr. Paul speak. I wish they would give him equal time and watch him dissect the others. While they are trying to attack him he will blow their minds with logical constitution based truth.

The establishment is beginning to develop their pieces. In Iowa they were able to evaluate their faces... Mitt Romeny-Rook Santorum-Frot...err Bishop. Bachmann-Pawn Gingrich-Pawn Perry-He is playing checkers... I expect that Newt and frot...err Santorum will most vehemently attack Paul. Led by Rick Perry of course. Bachmann will make noise on Fox. Mitt Romney will glide through the debates but will likely say something stupid, I think Ron Paul should attack him front on- The man is a damn chicken hawk and keep tempo in the dialogue. Bwaha... they got numbers, but we have a Queen (as in chess).

If the debate is centered on foriegn policy, and they give all the candidates equal time, and all seem to be aiming at Dr. Ron Paul then I expect he will take some hits. It is possible however, that being redundant (necessary since their opinions are based in untruth) the establishment goons will run out of froth and otherwise hand the day to RP, who is fortunately the only honest man on the stage and thus the strongest voice. I am excited. Whats up with phone from home on this one?

01-08-2012, 12:32 AM
We'll see how Sunday's debate goes but I'm pleasantly surprised to see that I was wrong. In fact, it was Ron Paul who put everyone else (especially Santorum) on the defensive.