View Full Version : The War is Far From Over. We have yet begun to fight!

01-03-2012, 10:20 PM
I would be lying if I said the Iowa Caucus Results were not disappointing. Rick Santorum's manufactured surge by the Mainstream Media is flabbergasting. The fact that Romney will likely win Iowa is truly sad. However, this is but the first battle in a long and hard fought war. We the Ron Paul revolution must press forward. A Strong Third place finish, while not what we had hoped for, is countless times better than in 2008. Make no mistake, Ron Paul is a front runner and will do very well in New Hampshire, this thing is far from over. The ideas and Liberty, Freedom and Peace once they catch fire in the hearts and minds of people will not be so easily stomped out by the establishment.

For Liberty, For Peace, For Prosperity!

Ron Paul 2012!