View Full Version : In search of a couple of items

John of Des Moines
01-03-2012, 08:36 AM
I'm looking for:

1) A graph or pie chart showing Paul military donations reverse others candidates.

2) A news article explaining Paul's draw for independents and/or Democrats.

3) I received a while back I got in the mail a multi-page multi-color booklet explaining Paul economic plan. I was told it's a Rev Pac item. Please post a link.

4) A news article about the Israeli Prime Minister Ben Net (sorry not going to spell his name correctly anyway) addressing the Congress saying Israel can handle her own problems.

I'll be printing them out to put on the candidates' lit table at my caucus.


01-03-2012, 09:53 AM
Awesome! Let's find these items for the man people!

01-03-2012, 10:03 AM
Military donations: http://ronpaulronpaul.com/img/2011-graph-500x833.jpg OR http://www.ronpaulronpaul.com/img/2012-Q3-graph-reps.jpg

Electability: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/388733_10150437602506686_6233046685_8740098_153772 1022_n.jpg

I'd add this to your list: http://www.ronpaul.com/2008-09-26/ron-paul-on-the-housing-bubble-july-2002/

Netenyahu Speech: http://ironicsurrealism.com/2011/05/24/transcript-israeli-pm-benjamin-netanyahu-speech-joint-meeting-of-u-s-congress-may-24-2011/

"My friends, you don’t need to do nation building in Israel. We’re already built. You don’t need to export democracy to Israel. We’ve already got it. You don’t need to send American troops to defend Israel. We defend ourselves. You’ve been very generous in giving us tools to do the job of defending Israel on our own. Thank you all, and thank you President Obama, for your steadfast commitment to Israel’s security. I know economic times are tough. I deeply appreciate this." Netenyahu

01-03-2012, 10:09 AM
Here is the real clear politics average showing Ron Paul is second to Romney in polling against Obama http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/president_obama_vs_republican_candidates.html

Unfortunately, it doesn't show Santorum whose poll numbers were so putrid few polled him against Obama, but in the few polls with him that I did see, he came in dead last.

But Rasmussen with its selective decisions on WHEN to poll, so the candidates are not polled against Obama at the same time, had this where Santorum is only two points worse than Ron: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2012/election_2012_presidential_election/2012_presidential_matchups

Still, it IS worse.

Don't forget to say Ron's budget plan will balance the budget in three years without touching social security, medicare or veteran's benefits!

I will plus rep you if you come back and say you said that!! :p

01-03-2012, 10:21 AM
Here's one of the good polls of Rasmussen's showing in Sept ron was 38% to Obama's 39% http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/elections/election_2012/election_2012_presidential_election/obama_39_paul_38

The Harris poll and others had Ron beating Obama, but GOPers who are there not already as Ron Paul supporters won't know that polling company as well.

John of Des Moines
01-03-2012, 03:30 PM
Thanks all!

If anybody has a one or two page article that can ber handed out post it before 4 p.m. central.

Again thanks!