View Full Version : Thank you for your input

11-09-2007, 12:59 AM
"Thank you for your input." I am a recent joiner but this should be the official position of this forum. It has received attention for its roll in the Nov5 bomb and has attracted hundreds of new members (myself included). Faced with such an influx, a disconnected grassroots organization can not vet all these new faces. Nov11 and Dec16 were in the works long before this new crop arrived. I urge those responsible for the forum to lock the bomb boards and leave the organization to the dedicated folks who were behind this all along. The rest of us: rather than wasting time arguing whether liberty or liber-tea is better, or creating our own versions of bomb date websites, I implore you to go out and contact others. Spread the word. Talk to your neighbors and friends. Post on your usual boards. Share the freedom.