View Full Version : December 16th rally?

11-09-2007, 12:58 AM
Is there a rally going on with the date? I really believe that an event that coincides with the donation spree would double the popularity and efficiency of this entire effort.

If there was a "liberty party" or something along those lines in a designated city (preferably one with the most RP support), it could garnish a LOT of attention if we dumped advertising money into it. I personally think this kind of advertising, focusing on attending a sort of liberty rally on behalf of Ron Paul, would be a great idea.

Then stress the donations as a way of participating in the rally if you can't attend. This way, no one is left out. People from around the country would want to attend this rally, and those who won't/can't/don't attent won't feel left out, because they can donate.

I feel there is a really strong psychological effect... if you had ads showing thousands of people holding American flags and signs with things about civil liberties, it would make many people feel as if this kind of thing is going on around them and its real! A lot of people would be influenced into participating just by seeing an ad showing tons and tons of people who are supporting this country in a new and different way.

If advertising is done right, this could be a double-whammy. The media would surely pick up on the fact that we have another donating spree on the way, and that would lead to exposure on any Tea Party or Liberty Rally that is being held. Both events, individually, would generate lots of money. But on the same day, I think a synergestic effect would occur.

As a side note, this would be the only project I'd chip in to so far. I've only donated to the doctor himself as of yet.

Thoughts ????

11-09-2007, 01:11 AM
Boston is doing something

11-09-2007, 01:57 AM
Check this out please, gives you a lot of the information --
