View Full Version : The Power of 500 - How Liberty Activists Can Win Congressional Districts ( Video )

12-27-2011, 09:02 AM
The Power of 500 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4nOMsXxNVE)


This presentation contains the strategy for victory. It builds understanding about how change will come about, the necessity for organizing, and the influence of 500 members in a Congressional District.

Keith and stuff
12-27-2011, 10:27 AM
Here is my impression of the video:
First several minutes are about the US Constitution
Talks about Alex De Tocqueville and his impressions on US society
Talks about possible solution, that they do and problems with them: term limits, balanced budget amendment, other amendment proposals, Constitutional convention, revolt/tax evasion/revolution

The only solution - educate yourself first than your community
Perhaps buy JBS magazines and DVDs and give them out
Buy (print?) JBS papers and distribute them 4 times per year to 100 households

Here is the Power of 500

100 Voting Households

400 voters (each of the 500 activists below reaches 400 voters by visiting 100 households)
x 500 activists (people that distribute JBS info to 100 households 4 times per year)
50,000 households
200,000 voters

Here is a more realistic version of the above theory, these are the numbers that I personally think are more likely to come out of the method

20 voters
x 500 activists
50,000 households
10,000 voters

So if you get 500 activists, you can reach 10,000 voters by following this method

The key is repeated exposure to the information

Also give JBS info to 10 opinion molders - people of influence in the community (elected officials, talk show hosts, newspaper editors, business owners, tradesmen, pastors)

If we do this with every Congressional district we may be able to turn this country around

Keith and stuff
12-27-2011, 10:27 AM
Thank you for posting the video. +rep

So my main issues with the talk are, it recommends you use JBS information which is a non-stater to many people, getting 500 activists to do this is very hard, and IMO, the effectiveness is exaggerated by a factor of 20.

That said, it still seems like a very interesting approach. I heard people mention similar things before but never in such a well packaged way. In order to do this, someone would have to find information to give out to people as it is a given, IMO, that JBS information should not be used.