View Full Version : A Tea Partier on Ron Paul's Clear Expression of Faith

12-26-2011, 06:48 PM
I met the author at the St Louis Tea Party. He is a rank and file Tea Party advocate and a decent guy. Was not a supporter but seems to be coming our way. I was sent this today. I am including the opening and closing. It is a good read from a Christian Conservative perspective


Dr. Paul has a statement of faith (http://www.ronpaul2012.com/the-issues/statement-of-faith/) on his campaign website which reads in part:

My faith is a deeply private issue to me, and I don’t speak on it in great detail during my speeches because I want to avoid any appearance of exploiting it for political gain. Let me be very clear here: I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, and I endeavor every day to follow Him in all I do and in every position I advocate.

Many voters really don't care about a candidates religious convictions. I think that indifference to a candidate's faith is in keeping with America's pluralist civics and is borne out of a respect for the creeds that candidates may choose to follow. Dr. Paul captures that sentiment well in the opening words of his statement of faith: "My faith is a deeply private issue to me..." Nonetheless, there is a sort of litmus test among Christians and, one presumes, other beliefs, to gauge the religious sincerity and convictions of a candidate. My intention in this post is to allay any uncertainty about Dr. Paul's Christian convictions on behalf of a man who would rather keep those convictions private.


I encourage Christian primary voters and caucus goers to carefully consider Dr. Paul's policies and the clear Biblical basis for those policies. I am not sold on Ron Paul or any of the remaining Republican presidential candidates for that matter. We are in a campaign and Dr. Paul's detractors will dissemble and even lie about him to advance their own preferred candidate. Hopefully, this will help illuminate the truth about Ron Paul.

and I encourage you all to share this with any and all Christian Conservatives who may be on the fence...


12-27-2011, 07:03 AM