View Full Version : I will be on a panel of 4 on a conservative talk radio show...

12-23-2011, 09:18 AM
called 550KTSA - Stream link below. 10am Central - San Antonio Tx - (Listening area overflows to Ron Paul's District)


Listen in.


This is my 2nd time doing this. I got invited because I called in many times over the years with good calls.

Below is a link of the VIDEO of my first time.

I will do my best to defend our positions.

I'm heading out to the studio. Peace out

12-23-2011, 09:28 AM
+ rep. Great! :D

Captain Caveman
12-23-2011, 09:31 AM
+ rep! Excellent!

12-23-2011, 10:25 AM
+ rep and bump for Carlos, on now!

Jovan Galtic
12-23-2011, 10:33 AM
Go Carlos! :)

12-23-2011, 11:32 AM
I think I missed it.. do you have a link to where others can hear it if we missed the live air?

12-23-2011, 11:41 AM
Just ended, podcast up this afternoon.

Great job, Carlos!

12-23-2011, 12:09 PM

12-23-2011, 12:46 PM
I'll post once the video link is up.

Man I was taking heat from all sides.

But I called out the guy for reaching about 9/11!!!

I think I did as you can under the pressure.

I had fun!!

12-23-2011, 12:55 PM
Awesome, Carlos! Post up the link when you can. Can't wait to hear it.

12-23-2011, 01:38 PM

Audio!!! Video coming soon!!!

12-23-2011, 01:43 PM
I'll post once the video link is up.

Man I was taking heat from all sides.

But I called out the guy for reaching about 9/11!!!

I think I did as you can under the pressure.

I had fun!!

Yes, you did a great job defending that attack and others!

12-27-2011, 03:26 PM


02-17-2012, 01:34 PM
Hi Carlos,

First off all, great job and thank you. Please keep it up! :)

Few arguments that might come handy in the future. I understand that it’s hard to plug all this, but I’ll share anyway – you choose:

- Ron Paul is not electable – army votes for Ron, independents vote for Ron (more then for Obama or any other rep – see the recent CNN table), he is by far the most popular within 17-40 age range comparing to all Republican candidates, he is drawing huge crowds on all his complain events, while Mittens/Gingridge/Santorum are happy with when they get half of that at each location. According to multiple polls, Ron has the same chance against Obama in general election (within stat error) as Romney, all other Rep candidates have lower chances then Ron.

- Ron is not clicking with Republican Party and fights republican establishment – Carlos, you made a good point that the system is bias against any third party, so you have to be within the boundaries of the 2 parties if you want to be heard. Also you sad, that Rep Party is a vessel that has to be filled with people’s values and ideas and not something that the party leadership defines as a mandate. So by not following the FAILED party line precisely Ron is doing Rep party a favor. Rep party is loosing its identity and loosing votes as a consequence. Republican leaders have track record which is same as of Democrats - growing government (fed expenses grew under all rep presidents over the last 40 years), growing nanny state (education, health care, any other well-fare programs grew under the same presidents as well), wars, fed reserve support, crony-capitalism (recent bailouts, stimulus, targeting specific companies or for taxes or exemptions, targeting specific companies for regulations and exceptions) free-market interference (more regulations, higher cost of doing business). Ron is by far the most popular within 17-40 age range comparing to all Republican candidates. So if anything he is a close future for the Rep. party. Rep party has to thank GOD for Ron regardless if he is a nominee or not this time.

- 9/11 - 1) 9/11 report is full of conclusions that raise a lot of technical questions from a broad spectrum of subject matter experts and witnesses. Ron, many 9/11 victims families and simply millions of Americans agree that we need to find answers to these questions – nothing wrong with that. In fact if you have an even dimmed respect for the victims – it’s an obligation 2) Ron is correct when saying that 9/11 wrongly was USED as pretence for multiple unconstitutional wars. This is wrong not just according to Ron but even according to official 9/11 commission report and CIA reports. Iraq, Libya, even Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11. 3) 9/11 was also wrongly USED to crack down on personal liberties of Americans. That’s wrong according to Ron and according to our founding fathers. Nobody needs to sacrifice personal liberties for security.

That’s what Ron was saying over the last decade hundreds of times. And they blame him for not perfect wording (which still was not that bad by the way) this one time during 20sec answer in one of the multiple debates??? Or they disagree with 1,2,3?

- letters - the politically incorrect content of 0.01% of this these letters (somebody has done the math actually - the 2 lines people focus on is less then 1/100 of % of the total content of the letters over the years) WAS Ron's omission as of an editor. But even for the editor getting 99.99% right is a good statistics. But there is a big difference between missing 2 lines in millions when editing and having views that are reflected by these 2 lines. Ron's is libertarian and in his philosophy he is passionately opposing a very concept of collectivism and treating one group of people differently then the other. Throughout his 40years political carrier or in his life he never gave any ground to anybody to even suspect him advocating against any racial group or any group for that matter defined by ethnicity, race, wealth , gender or age. And there are multiple examples to the opposite – in his carrier as a doctor he was treating for free black, white, Hispanic, old, young, many patients interviews were even broadcasted publically. Now Ron’s fighting against discrimination of minorities in our judicial system through war on drugs and minimum wage laws.