View Full Version : What is the reason for RP surge in Iowa and how to continue it in other states ? Focus !

12-22-2011, 03:26 AM
Do you believe in miracles? Do you think it is a miracle that finally Ron Paul is surging in Iowa ? Even the polls which always show him in low teens are showing him leading the field ?
What has happened ?

Maybe it is a miracle that we all needed ! Maybe not.
I would like to know how we can most effectively continue this surge into other states.
In my opinion, what has worked is that he has taken his message directly to the voters in Iowa. Despite the media playing its own tune and doing all it can to ignore him, his message and continuously misrepresenting his views, the hard work by the campaign and grassroots supporters is showing results.
Many of us are active supporters, who are doing things directly to get to the voters, while many are still on sidelines. It is time to take action and do whatever we can to help Ron Paul spread his message. Of course for those in the early states, the best would be to help the campaign in going door to door and talking to interested people. Many enthusiastic supporters are even going to the early states from other places and helping out. It should inspire others to do more. The one very effective thing people can do from the comfort of their homes is to join and contribute in the Phone from Home program. It will help the campaign in targeting their resources more effectively.
Donating always helps.
Talking to people you know or even those you don’t know also helps.
Maybe make a small group and visit the nearby mall or any public place and try to spread the message of Liberty.
Online activism in the form of writing articles, or commenting on articles also helps.
Decide for yourself how you can contribute and give these few weeks for this. Everyone of us can make the difference in the outcome.
Don’t let the media have the last laugh.
Its time for Paulbots to spread from the online to the real world !! lol
In my opinion, these are the most effective ways to contribute right now –
1. Go door to door for the campaign
2. Join the Phone from home program – start small – have a target of just 20 calls per day, and then if you feel better, then go big. People have made thousands of calls once they got over the initial hesitation.
3. Donate
4. Talk to your extended family and friends
5. Talk to strangers at public places – always keep it fact and issue based.
6. Online activism, radio call-in activism.

There is very little time left and a lot of work to be done.
Every little action can make the difference.

Let the media do their job for smearing Ron Paul, let us do our job of spreading the truth.
We are the greatest assets Ron Paul has, we need to put in all we can for him.

Please add other effective methods to help the campaign, if I left some out.

12-22-2011, 03:29 AM
Fielding a large ground organization and being able to run a ton of ads to get the message out...

12-22-2011, 03:30 AM
For those that go to church, make sure you bring Ron Paul's name up and how much you like the guy. It is sure to start a conversation and then tell them all about why you like him. :D