View Full Version : Steps I would like EVERY Ron Paul supporter to take!

12-21-2011, 08:55 PM
It seems as though since we now have a very high chance of winning the Iowa caucus that a lot of our supporters seem to be at ease and not working as hard as they previously were and this is a huge problem. A win in Iowa does not constitute a win of the GOP Presidential nomination (i.e. Huckabee).

Now let me make this very clear, a win in Iowa will cause the Mainstream Media to say that Iowa is no longer a deciding ground for presidential nominees and they will use the example of Mike Huckabee of the previous year to support their claim. Now the next objectives for us to be running is to turn the tide over in our favor in New Hampshire (a state that already has ardent libertarians) so to everyone that has been working hard at this campaign, I would like to first off thank you from the bottom of my heart for believing in a cause that is just and fair for the American people that work hard to be represented by our government.

[Phone Banks]
Now I would like everyone to hit the phone banks hard. Along with this, I would like if you tried to speak to one person you know and try to convey Ron Paul's message of liberty to these individuals.

Make sure you make them understand certain points that are vital for the older crowd ie. Invertionism has nothing to do with Isolationism. Also make sure to note that though Ron Paul does not believe in bombing other countries preemptively whether for our own monetary gains or the like but that DOES NOT MEAN that he doesn't want our soil to be completely safe. A strong defense is better than a strong offense, as proven multiple times throughout history. Ron Paul has earned more money than all of the other GOP nominees combined.

Another important point for the older crowd is to make sure they understand Ron Paul does not want to do away with their Social Security but wants our youth the opportunity to opt-out of the program. Along with this, he has no intentions of taking away their healthcare plans such as Medicaid or Medicare. Even more important is to explain that under a Ron Paul Presidency the federal taxes on income will be reduced to their lowest number possible while still running federal aid programs.

One more point that would be great to drive home is this. Clearly, what the status quo has been doing has not been working over the last decade. The fact that Ron Paul was marginalized by the media shows that his ideas would change the status quo and allow for true change in the government, something that Obama promised, but failed to deliver. We are a nation of one and we must stand together as ONE.

Lastly, but not least, explain to the person how Dick Cheney's company Halliburton went up in their stock price 1000% after the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, along with this Cheney profited by getting tax incentives from the government while in wartime.

Now if you are in need of scripts for the actual phone conversation here is one that I found online
"Hi, can I please speak with (first name)? Hi (first name), my name's _____ and I'm a local (In my case anyway) volunteer calling on behalf of Ron Paul for the Republican Presidential Nomination.

Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who can defeat Barack Obama in the general election, and is running to repeal the job-killing regulations in Washington, slash federal spending and decrease unnecessary wars.
Knowing this, can we count on your vote for Ron Paul in the Republican primary on (Whatever date that states primary is)

If Yes- Thank you for your support! Remember, please vote for Ron Paul in the (Date) primary, and have a good day/afternoon/evening.

If No- (Mcmahon)- Ron Paul has more qualifications than Obama for the US Presidency; he is acclaimed for accurately predicting the 2008 financial crisis and has been an outspoken critic of the policies in Washington for years. Would you like his website address? Would you also like us to send you some campaign material? Thank you for your time, and have a good day/afternoon/evening.

If No - (Simmons)- While Newt Gingrich served for years in the state House of Representatives and in the US Congress, he failed to deliver on the promises he currently advocates. Ron Paul will spend his time in Washington only to fulfill his campaign promises, and not to be re-elected. Would you like his website address? Would you also like us to send you some campaign material?
Thank you for your time, and have a good day/afternoon/evening.

If Undecided- Ok. Would you like his website address to learn more about Ron Paul? Would you also like us to send you some campaign material?
Thank you for your time, and have a good day/afternoon/evening. "

Edit this information to add more about topics that you believe will be beneficial in a certain region.

[Newspaper Advertisements]

By taking out advertisements in the Local Newspapers of states we will be able to reach the older demographics who are generally underrepresented in the Ron Paul movement. Sample Advertisements can be written by myself with the proper grammatical notes that I overlooked in this forum post ;). Along with this, my education in marketing while at college (not my major just took a lot of classes) may be helpful in writing ads that convey, in more simple terms, exactly what it is that Ron Paul stands for. Remember that most people do not have the time to involve themselves heavily in politics and others still do not really care as long as their own lives are not involved in a major way. We basically need to nudge people in the right direction to ensure that those people are accounted for when it comes time to vote in the Republican primaries.

The states that are vital for us currently are listed in this order.

1. Iowa, Secure the State.
2. New Hampshire, though Mitt is in the lead currently, I believe we can oust him by showing his weaknesses which are plenty.
3. South Carolina, there is a growing amount of liberty-minded individuals in this state. Also, this state has a large Iranian population, make sure to note that Ron Paul is the only candidate against a War against Iran.
4. Florida, voters in Florida tend to have varying opinions of who is going to win or lose the Republican primary and tend to jump on board the train if it is headed in a certain direction. In my opinion they are easily swayed and for this reason I believe that if we start to get the ball rolling in the previously mentioned states we can have a greater chance at taking Florida as well. I really would like to see everyone working very hard on Florida as this will be a pivotal state in our bid for Presidential nomination.

Here is some information on Phone Banking - http://www.dailypaul.com/186823/this-is-how-we-win-phone-banking-success-on-1st-day

[Fund Raising Ideas]
Another topic that I would like to discuss apart from Phone banking is various ways to not only raise funds but also increase attention. nNow I realize that we are in our Winter months however, having a carwash will all the proceeds going to Ron Paul would not only gain a lot of funds and publicity; it will also show others how serious we are about winning this nomination. I am going to get together a group of 10-12 females for this and they are going to do it in the middle of the frigid winter. Without insane determination, we are no different than the other candidates.

Another way is to hold a Bake Sale at a High School with the permission of the High School first, this will allow High School students to also learn about Ron Paul and promote his message to their parents who are of voting age.

Lastly, but definitely not least, once again with the permission of the High School hold a raffle for the students that allow students to win prizes. Now the vital part of this, is to have the prizes donated by local businesses, which not only makes the business owners have to think about Ron Paul on the issues but also convinces the students to once again bring the topic of Ron Paul into discussion with their parents on the kitchen table.

[Becoming a Delegate]

Now the last thing I would like to talk to my fellow Ron Paul supporters is becoming a delegate for the fine Doctor Paul. I have provided a link that explains the process in detail and allows for anyone to become a delegate.

Something that needs to be understood is that Ron Paul has supporters of every race, religion and gender. As a Pakistani-American most people would assume that I am a democrat, however it has become clear to me over my lifetime that the parties have no real distinction and carry the same policies though they may be slightly tweaked. We have a large following and there is no need to believe in the "ceiling" of support that many in the Mainstream Media that is being pushed.

Remember that together, we can win this battle and take back the country that is rightfully ours. There is no need for a police state. Muslims do not hate us because we are free. As a matter of fact, most Muslims, the VAST majority of us have no problem with America whatsoever. Those that do, only have a problem with our foreign policy that consistently marginalizes countries and invades countries as if it is our right. We are not here to be the Police of the world, we are here to show others an example of how a Free and Prosperous Democratic nation will prevail and others will follow us by example, not by force.

I would like to once again thank everyone that took the time to read my lengthy post, without you guys we would have a very difficult time attaining the level of support that we have been able to garner. We are freedom. We are America.

God Bless All, even you atheists ;).


Edit: I would like to let everyone know that I will be continually updating this post with what states we should begin work on based on the time and the direction of politics throughout the race. This will allow for those who wish to partake in any or all of these activities to know where their work is best served. I will also work on making this post more in-depth as well and am welcome to all ideas that anyone may be able to provide.

12-21-2011, 09:21 PM
Adeel, major props to you, sir.

12-21-2011, 10:39 PM
Thank you very much Scott, it makes me happy to know that someone appreciates my research :)!

12-22-2011, 01:13 AM
Constructive criticism would be great guys, remember this is our battle to win!

12-22-2011, 01:29 AM
Very well done. I wish I had some criticism for you but well, I don't haha. I haven't started phone banking yet, but it's certainly a priority for me to get going on.

12-22-2011, 01:31 AM
Does that mean I thought of everything we can do? 8)! Haha, joking joking, but I'm sure all of these great minds on this site will be able to help put more together, yourself included.

12-24-2011, 01:36 PM
Should this be moved to the grassroots forum?