View Full Version : Training Cops to Lie

12-19-2011, 08:43 PM
Was reading Send in the Drones: The Predator State Goes Domestic by William Norman Grigg (http://lewrockwell.com/grigg/grigg-w239.html) the other day and that led me to this article by a former Prosecutor, Val Van Brocklin.......

Training Cops to Lie - Pt 1 (http://www.officer.com/article/10233095/training-cops-to-lie-pt-1)

and then....

Training Cops to Lie, Pt 2 (http://www.officer.com/article/10233016/training-cops-to-lie-pt-2)

also, not a Part 3, but close enough, below....

A Trial is NOT About the Truth (http://www.officer.com/article/10232949/a-trial-is-not-about-the-truth)

A retired officer is called to testify in a case he'd investigated before he retired. The clerk administers the oath,

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Standing with his right hand raised in solemn dignity, the retired officer pauses thoughtfully, then replies,


This gets everyone’s attention. The Judge clears her throat and says,

Excuse me, Officer, perhaps I misunderstood. What did you say?

The retired officer replies,

With all due respect, Your Honor. I've never been allowed to tell the whole truth in a criminal case before. Have the rules changed?

Just another day........

12-19-2011, 09:08 PM
It matters not how much one lies, when you are not even having a conversation with them....

12-23-2011, 04:18 AM

12-23-2011, 04:23 AM