View Full Version : Michele Bachmann Don't attack Bachmann - it's attacking down

12-18-2011, 02:20 PM
Stop pumping up Bachmann, geeze.

Attack the endless wars and police state. Mention several candidates including Bachmann, or better yet, not at all.

We don't need to defend Ron Paul for making a joke that has truth in it. The point is, we don't have to say anything at all. It was on #1 time spot for TV at that time, Bachmann's supporters are the ones that have to say something. Don't let Bachmann distract you with only two weeks left. Or if you really must, ask her supporters What's the matter, can't you take a joke?

Meanwhile, go get Newt Gingrich on his national police force, death to marijuana supporters, and shoot, he just say he'd eliminate the court systems yesterday, so Newt Gingrich is several cuts below secret courts and president assassination lists and indefinate detention. Newt Gingrich would install the last part of the dictatorship.