View Full Version : Is Ron Paul Absolutely Right, or Is He Absolutely Wrong About Terrorism?

12-08-2011, 08:37 AM
What causes terrorism? This is more than just an academic question. It has become an important part of GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul's foreign policy position.

How 'cause' is defined is very important. If the use of the word 'cause' compels something, U.S. policy in the Middle East did not cause terrorism. If the use of 'cause' implies influencing or contributing to..., a stronger case may be made.

Many variables should be considered -- frustration; peer influences; religion; employment level; policies; family influences; freedom; liberalism; life stressors; war; seeing a friend or family member killed; invasions; etc. This is not an exhaustive list and the list could certainly go on.


12-08-2011, 09:13 AM
If China bombed my home and killed my family, that would cause me to retaliate against China.

cause/kôz/ (Verb): Make (something) happen

12-08-2011, 09:22 AM
wonder if the writer would stand by and watch as someone robbed his house.

12-08-2011, 09:30 AM
i love how they completely pick apart the argument, yet never deny that without the meddling, there would be far less motive, and far less terrorism. so they agree but feel the need to argue semantics.

The Free Hornet
12-08-2011, 10:53 AM
The summary:

Ron Paul is much closer to understanding the dynamics between U.S. foreign policy and tensions in the Middle East than any other GOP candidate and most Republicans. But Ron Paul overstates his case in claiming (or suggesting) that our policies 'cause' terrorism or we were hit 'because we did, x, y or z'. Policy may be a necessary factor, but it is not sufficient to cause terrorism.

The article is mostly hand-waving BS because X did not directly cause Y. For example, most in the middle east have not become terrorists so some other explanation is required. Freud would say it has something to do with their potty training.

Lots of supporters are in the comments' section - as is typical of the web.