View Full Version : How to Deal with the Media to help Ron Paul Win

12-08-2011, 07:39 AM
The fact that Ron Paul gets less media coverage is abundantly clear, even now while he is making progress in Iowa and New Hampshire. I just read an article online on Time that only mentioned Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney. There was an article lying on the bus that I picked up yesterday and read, and also did not mention Ron Paul but mentioned Herman Cain (who isn't even in the race anymore) and New Gingrich. Now when I look at any of these articles online and read the comments, there are always lots of comments by Ron Paul supporters, but let's face it, 95% of Americans are not going to read the comments at the bottom of the page, and especially not wade through hundreds or thousands. Americans are reading these articles in print publications, there are newspapers lying on the subway, there is what is on the television, etc. A lot of Americans don't have a strong opinion and are going to vote for the candidates whose names they hear a lot. So this is what I propose to deal with this media issue:

I sent a polite e-mail to the author of the article I read today with my name and from my work e-mail address and said that I was dismayed at the lack of coverage of Ron Paul who is gaining in the polls, and that it is not the job of the media to make conclusions, but to present the facts. Whenever any of you see an article without Ron Paul coverage when it should have had some, send an e-mail to the author or make a phone call. Posting a comment is not going to help. There are a lot of us Ron Paul supporters and if we start confronting every media person and getting them to think and make some tough decisions (tough for them because they have not been making them before), this is the only way to get the media to change and it is going to have a huge impact on all of the Americans that are difficult to reach based on phone calls, and it is a way to reach out to millions of Americans at once which otherwise takes a lot of phone calls. If you have Twitter, tweet your comments to the authors. If every journalist who provides biased coverage is buffeted by numerous e-mails, tweets, phone calls, or whatever, it IS going to cause a change in their thinking. Let's get a shift in the media before the Iowa caucus!

12-08-2011, 10:21 PM
Just read an article on Associated Press that came out about 3 hours ago, again lots of mention of Romney and Gingrich, even Rick Perry, but no mention of Dr. Paul! Again there are comments in favor of Ron Paul at the bottom but I really think that if Ron Paul is going to win we need to start getting aggressive against the media, we need a lot higher than the 12% Ron Paul currently has nationally and it might only come with Iowa or with getting more coverage in the press.

12-08-2011, 10:24 PM
I think it's probably best to focus on local news. I read a few years back that 2/3 of Americans get most or all of their news from their local newscast. The national media is completely in the tank for the establishment. Local reporters tend to be a lot more objective and are always looking for a story. Just my 2 cents.

12-08-2011, 10:24 PM
Yes, the media isn't our enemy, just a friend we haven't converted yet. Contact authors directly, and be very respectful.