View Full Version : A simple response for "name callers" and "haters of Ron Paul"

12-06-2011, 06:47 AM
Ok, we have all heard them:
Ron Paul is:
a nut
on and on.

Irrational, name-callers tend to bring out the worse in Ron Paul supporters.
There's really no reason to respond to name-calling in return.
When we call the opposition names in return -- it accomplishes nothing and makes Dr. Paul's supporters look as bad as the original name-caller.

If you MUST respond, here's a twist -- keep this simple sentence/tactic in mind:
"I once thought Ron Paul was pretty much an IDIOT,
until I did a lot of research and decided I WAS THE ONE THAT WAS AN IDIOT!
I agree with about 95% of what Ron Paul says now."
You can substitute any insult of choice into the IDIOT spot.
You're not attacking the name-caller.
You're not calling the attacker IGNORANT (I hate that tactic whenever I see it)
You can use this tactic for just about any situation -- turn the focus on yourself, and automatically, you're not name-calling in return -- but you can get your message across.

KEEP UP THE FIGHT -- respectfully!

PS When you use this tactic, it opens the door for you to discuss ANY subject you want to bring out -- Just say, "for example" and state a misconception, then state how Dr. Paul's sees it. Great for "changing the subject" too!

12-06-2011, 06:51 AM
Good idea, I'll use that line from now on. :)

12-06-2011, 06:56 AM
I see that tactic a lot in the comment sections of new articles lately.

12-06-2011, 07:20 AM
"If Ron Paul is a loon, and the only thing Ron Paul does is strictly following the constitution, is following the constitution being loony?"

I would drag the constitution into it, since no-one would dare to say following the constitution is crazy.

12-06-2011, 07:39 AM
Good job... must spread around rep, someone cover me.

12-06-2011, 07:47 AM
Nice, I'll be sure to use that hopefully

12-06-2011, 08:19 AM
A gentle answer turns away wrath...Proverbs 15:1

What I wish is that those of us who do support Ron Paul would refrain from using any of those words in videos, etc. "They call you nuts...yada. yada..."

I would love to distance Ron Paul from those adjectives once and for all.