View Full Version : Well, here's what I said to those trekkers

11-07-2007, 02:08 AM
well one guy got up there and said he doenst have a snowballs chance in hell and that he disagrees with ALL of his domestic policies.

with phasers on RON here's my responce:

how can you disagree with him on domestic issues? Do you really want the government to take care of you from cradle to grave, to tell you how to best raise your kids or what medicine you should take or how to best spend the money that you earn? Even if you do, then, seriously, move to another country, because the Constitution as written states that this is not the intent of government, this is NOT the role government has to take on. they knew when they wrote it government should have a minimal role in running the lives of the people, because they've personally seen what happens when it becomes too powerful. And when a complex issue faces us like abortion creating absolute rules is fallacy.. the more complex the problem the more local the solution should be.

So go move somehwere else. Right now big media and big government are in control. But a few of us here are making the statement that maybe they shouldn't be, that maybe they are the reason your country is so fucked up. And there are a lot of us out here, more then they'd like us to be. They'd like to dismiss us, say we amount to nothing.. naturally, because our platform is the opposite of big government and big media.. we are against everything they are built upon, so they don't talk about Paul. If they did, more people would vote for him (that'w why they are not) But his message is resonating like nothing else I've ever seen. We are not just a few hundred people who are good at spamming the internet. we are more like millions who realize that if the media isn't going to help us, we can USE the Internet to communicate and get the word out.

November 5 was proof. We raised 3 to 4 million dollars. There weren't any huge donations, none from big companies or big movie stars or lobbyists or special interests, just tens of thousands of people who all heard rally cry. And many others like myself who can't donate still support him, and are helping to get the word out. This kind of spirit is what America should be about Be proud of it. Don't diss it because the ESTABLISHMENT told you he doesn't have a chance, or that it told you his views are crazy.

They aren't crazy. Just read the constitution. It was a document that was meant to adapt itself over time... but it must be done according to its rules.

Remember the 5th of November

11-07-2007, 02:35 AM
nicely done i wish i could memorize it verbatim.... i might try :D

11-07-2007, 03:34 AM
If CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and FOX told you to jump off a bridge, would you?

11-07-2007, 05:10 AM