View Full Version : What is YOUR stance on the issues?

11-07-2007, 01:29 AM
Im rather new here on the boards and only joined the RP revolution a week before the 2nd quarter push. Id like to know where some of you guys stand on the issues compared to Ron Paul. Probably where I disagree with RP the most is his religious views - I'm an atheist. May sound strange, but he is the only candidate that will ever be elected in this country that I will believe when they say their religious beliefs will not influence position on political matters. I'm also pro-choice - but I believe RP when he says he wont push a national law to outlaw abortion. State laws - sure. People are free to move to a state where the laws match that individuals beliefs. Plainly speaking, I joined because I believe him - he is honest, hides nothing, is knowledgeable, practices what he preaches and most of I can trust him to not be swayed by lobbyist groups. I firmly believe that IF a constitutional amendment was proposed and ratified by the states he would honor it 100% even if it lined up 0% with his personal beliefs. He would not resort to underhanded tactics to kill it, nor use any exective orders to stop it. Simply speaking, he is the only candidate shown to TRULY represent the people.

EDIT: I'm also 30 years old, self-employed, wife and two kids - I'm white/hispanic...and i have a fish tank with more snails than fish (they came with the plants and must reproduce like bunnies)

11-07-2007, 01:35 AM
Im rather new here on the boards and only joined the RP revolution a week before the 2nd quarter push. Id like to know where some of you guys stand on the issues compared to Ron Paul. Probably where I disagree with RP the most is his religious views - I'm an atheist. May sound strange, but he is the only candidate that will ever be elected in this country that I will believe when they say their religious beliefs will not influence position on political matters. I'm also pro-choice - but I believe RP when he says he wont push a national law to outlaw abortion. State laws - sure. People are free to move to a state where the laws match that individuals beliefs. Plainly speaking, I joined because I believe him - he is honest, hides nothing, is knowledgeable, practices what he preaches and most of I can trust him to not be swayed by lobbyist groups. I firmly believe that IF a constitutional amendment was proposed and ratified by the states he would honor it 100% even if it lined up 0% with his personal beliefs. He would not resort to underhanded tactics to kill it, nor use any exective orders to stop it. Simply speaking, he is the only candidate shown to TRULY represent the people.

I fall in line pretty much with you. I'm not going to say I'm an atheist but I certainly don't follow any organized religion either. I joined the revolution being pro-choice as well but after reading Ron's positions on abortion it made a lot of sense and is a compromise I'm comfortable with in my beliefs.

11-07-2007, 01:47 AM
The snails can reproduce in large numbers, and asexually. They are hard to get rid of, but if they become a problem get some loaches or puffer fish. They will eat the babies and keep the population in check.

Anyway, I joined Ron Paul mostly for his common sense approach and fiscal philosophies. I think he understands the proper role of government and what it means to live in a free society more than any other. Unlike politicians who play checkers with their policy, Dr. Paul is always playing chess. He thinks about consequences and chain reactions that are caused by federal intervention in the market place, foreign countries, education system, pretty much everything.

11-07-2007, 01:52 AM
The snails can reproduce in large numbers, and asexually. They are hard to get rid of, but if they become a problem get some loaches or puffer fish. They will eat the babies and keep the population in check.

Anyway, I joined Ron Paul mostly for his common sense approach and fiscal philosophies. I think he understands the proper role of government and what it means to live in a free society more than any other. Unlike politicians who play checkers with their policy, Dr. Paul is always playing chess. He thinks about consequences and chain reactions that are caused by federal intervention in the market place, foreign countries, education system, pretty much everything.

Thanks for info on the snails! They literally everywhere in there - loaches to the rescue!

Fiscal philosophies I cant say I know enough about - I do know what he says makes sense and what others are saying sounds like more of the same. His stance on our nation-building resonates with me pretty well too.