View Full Version : Is now the time?

Okie RP fan
11-30-2011, 06:08 PM
The Ron Paul campaign has put out a video slamming Newt Gingrich.

So far, it's looking to be a big hit and is storming the Internet. It's already on Drudge and hitting several other websites.

Starting tonight, should we hit Newt hard and make the video go viral? We absolutely can get a good start and begin chipping away at Newt's phony base, provided by the media, he is standing on right now.

So, should we hit the Internet, Facebook, family and friends, email lists, etc. with some videos and articles regarding Newt's flip flops? We don't want to come off as attacking, but, rather, encouraging others to see through the media's light that is shining on Newt right now. We all know Newt is right there with Romney when it comes to being an establishment, "status quo," pick.

Or should we let this play out and wait?

11-30-2011, 06:10 PM
I've shared this on my fb wall and twitter, share it away!

Okie RP fan
11-30-2011, 06:14 PM
The video has made Fox Nation.

h t tp://nation.foxnews.com/ron-paul/2011/11/30/ron-paul-launches-hard-hitting-attack-video-vs-newt
I think we should draw this out all week and make this a big push against Newt.

I broke the link because the people who comment on there hate Ron Paul.
Some people are saying down right mean things about RP now due to this ad. It seems people don't want to hear the truth.

Personally, I think I will be sharing this video and trying to wake people up. If that's possible.