View Full Version : Why I Joined the Ron Paul Revolution - A Testimonial

11-30-2011, 12:31 PM
Please read this post by a fellow blogger, the 1st in a series we will be publishing our our blog:

I am not a particularly loud person. I like to kind of skate by unnoticed, never calling much attention to myself. I rarely post Facebook updates like some other friends and do not have a twitter account. Over the last few months, however, I have become somewhat of a Facebook floozy. This is not because I have suddenly become a neo-narcissist that wants you to know every time I do something remotely cool, or how hard my job is, or my opinion on every fleeting news headline. It’s because there’s a cause out there that’s captured my cynical heart. It’s not a cause that gets enough press, or is posh to post on your Facebook page, it’s the cause of liberty to which a man named Ron Paul has given his life.

Read the rest: