View Full Version : Not Your Grandfather's Republican Party - Mish

11-26-2011, 12:48 AM


As preposterous as it may have sounded at first glance, Obama and Romney are nearly One and the Same!

Neither will tackle the budget deficit. Both will keep military spending intact. Both support the "un-patriot" act.

To be fair, Romney is more likely to start a devastating trade war with China (in fact he has guaranteed it), while president Obama is more likely to waste money on social programs and big labor.

Some choice!

The simple fact of the matter is: it does not matter much if you vote for Mitt Romney or Barrack Obama. Both will destroy the country. Both support wars. Both will spend the country into the ground (but perhaps in different ways).

Regardless of who wins the Republican nomination, I will not vote for either of them. Nor will I vote for Perry, Gingrich, or Cain. I certainly will not vote for President Obama.

If you want change, and polls suggest you do, there is precisely one candidate who will give you the change this country desperately needs. That person is Ron Paul.