View Full Version : Petition: Message to the GOP

11-23-2011, 06:43 PM
The Republican elites seem scared to death of the growing strength of Ron Paul -- and of his supporters. Yet, they seem to be doing all in their power to prevent him from coming anywhere near the nomination. With that in mind, I decided to create this petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/message-to-the-GOP/

If nothing else, it's a way of blowing off steam. But I'm frankly hoping that it might serve to rattle the elites' cages a little, maybe ratchet up their nervousness a few notches. If you agree with it, you are of course invited (urged) to sign it, as well as make it viral in whatever ways you can.

- Steve Smith

Here's the text:

Message to the GOP from Pro-Liberty Voters

We, the undersigned, support liberty above all else. In the 2012 general election, we intend to vote ONLY for a genuinely pro-liberty candidate for President. At this time, there is ONLY ONE genuinely pro-liberty individual running for the Republican nomination: Ron Paul.

Neither of the two major political parties has offered a genuinely pro-liberty candidate for President within our lifetimes, if ever. If anything, the Republican Party and its nominees have been the more hypocritcal, in that they often make noises about shrinking government, but once in office, support the very opposite -- always at the expense of liberty.

We are tired of the hypocrisy. We are tired of waiting. We are tired of election after election giving us the false choice between two anti-liberty candidates. We hereby serve notice that if Ron Paul is not the nominee of the Republican party for the presidency in 2012, we will NOT vote for whoever does secure the nomination.

Barack Obama has been terrible for our country. He has proven himself to be a warmonger and a murderer. He has proposed and pursued policies that are both economically destructive and deeply violative of civil liberties. But: None of the Republican candidates for the presidency -- save Ron Paul -- offers a demonstrably better choice. ALL have shown themselves to be would-be totalitarians in their own right. Their words (and in some cases, their records), reveal them to be either profoundly ignorant of the principles of liberty, or downright hostile to them.

No one -- including the Republican party -- owns our votes. No one -- including the Republican party -- should expect us to keep voting for the "lesser of evils." We will NOT vote for the Republican candidate for president in 2012 simply to keep Barack Obama from another term. We will ONLY vote for the Republican candidate for president if that individual is pro-liberty, and there is only one candidate who currently fits that label: Ron Paul.

How shall we vote, then, if Ron Paul is not the Republican nominee?

Some of us will vote for a third-party candidate. Some of us will write in Ron Paul, or another name (even our own). Some of us will abstain from voting at all. If this results in the re-election of Barack Obama, so be it -- and consider it a message to the Republican Party, its leadership and rank-and-file alike:

Embrace the principles of liberty and start upholding them -- honestly, thoroughly and unwaveringly. That is the only way you can ever count on our votes, in this or any other election.

11-23-2011, 06:56 PM