View Full Version : Umm... would mailing like this save us money?

11-22-2011, 05:39 PM

So with the super brochures we don't need an envelope and can just put the address on the outside of them and mail 'em like a postcard, right?

Could we mail the DVDs the same way? (think of AOL tactics) with a brochure folded in half and put in the dvds jacket or attached to the outside of it somehow?
You know ... mail both items without an envelope. It would also be very obvious it was a DVD and could include open to throw away rates.

I'm not suggesting this for the supervoterbomb - just for future use when we start targeting other states. RevPac has their details worked out and I think we/they should keep going forward with the plan.

Future reference only.
Would this save money and result in more people opening them?

Also - what about audio CDs?
Should someone make a audio CD called "20 reasons to vote for Paul" or something like that? We could burn the crap out of it and put it on windshields with a super brochure or postcard flyer.

11-22-2011, 05:59 PM
Aren't they more likely to break? Dunno. It's a question for Adam T, I guess.

11-22-2011, 06:04 PM
I think they'd be just as vulnerable as they would be in a paper envelope. I know American Online sent out tons of CD-roms this way a decade ago.
Adam's welcome to chime in, but this wasn't just a suggestion for the revpac.

11-22-2011, 06:05 PM
Personally, I think we'd much much better off just mailing the superbrochure as is, address and postmark on the back.

I have never watched an unsolicited dvd (I've recieved a bunch) and tons of older voters don't even own dvd players. We could reach more than double the amount of people for the same price if we dropped the dvds. Make the dvd an opt-in option-- print it roght on the brochure with the address: call today for a free Ron Paul informational dvd and bumper sticker! Then you have a database for those supporters/people highly considering Ron, and you save the money having not produced or shipped 180,000 dvds that would just end up in a landfill never having been viewed.

11-22-2011, 06:08 PM
Aren't they more likely to break? Dunno. It's a question for Adam T, I guess.

I got over 100 aol discs in flimsy envelopes the size of a paper cd sleeve. Only one was ever cracked. And I've never recieved a damaged dvd from blockbuster or netflix, and those are shipped in flimsy outer envelopes.