View Full Version : Nationwide Twitter Campaign to bring Romney down - see details!!!

11-20-2011, 12:37 PM
Simple Twitter campaign to bring Romney down.

For those with Twitter accounts...tweet this along with the link provided to every known political feed, contacts, Twitter friends, etc.

Here's the simple message:

Have you been paid to vote for me yet? {link}

The link you will use goes to this article: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/magazine/96112/unremitting-mitt-romney-new-hampshire-gop-primaries?passthru=NmQwMjRmMDIzODcyNmU5NzI3Yzg0MjZ lM2U4NDEzMmM

I don't use Twitter, but I notice people use a short url link to websites. So I guess you users know how this is done.