View Full Version : Politico: CBS panned for debate performance - Glenn Bradley mentioned!

11-13-2011, 05:05 PM
This year's*first broadcast-network presidential debate, which ended its national telecast and switched to a choppy livestream feed two-thirds of the way through the event, produced a storm of complaints from viewers across the country and two of the candidates on the no-frills debate stage in Spartanburg, S.C......

...“CBS Debate tonight was pure amateur hour — with CBS being the amateurs,” tweeted North Carolina state Rep. Glen Bradley.


Don't know if anyone caught that Gunny was mentioned in the latest politico article on the debate :)

11-13-2011, 07:01 PM
...While some West Coast stations carried the full 90 minutes, network executives said network affiliates in Washington, New York, and most other major East Coast markets switched to a rerun of a 2010 episode of "NCIS," whose plot hinged on missing nuclear material.

Nah, the media isn't trying to shape opinions...you can't make this crap up.

11-13-2011, 07:03 PM
That's awesome! I remember that Tweet. :)