View Full Version : Tom Woods: How to Deal With Debate Bias Against Ron Paul

11-13-2011, 03:06 AM

11-13-2011, 03:11 AM
Repost: http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?329776-VIDEO-Tom-Woods-How-to-deal-with-debate-bias-against-Ron-Paul

Lord Xar
11-13-2011, 03:15 AM
Can someone send this thread to Wead or to Hunter or to Benton.. just someone who can do something..

11-13-2011, 04:07 AM
The masses are not going to just one day wake up and be Paul supporters they need a good shove in the right direction. What Tom woods just laid out is the game plan that would be part of that shove that gets us the numbers we need to win in the early primary states.

11-13-2011, 05:35 AM
The great problem is that his campaign managers think it's all OK right now. Every time Ron is asked what he's gonna to rise in polls, his answer invariably is this: "we're doing great, much better than I expected. So, we're just going to do what we've being doing". He says this every time.

I'm sorry for the harsh words, but his campaign managers are dumber than my bedroom door. They're simply stupid. Ron should demand them to have an IQ test, because it's unacceptable to have his campaign managed by complete idiots who don't have a single good idea.

His campaign management is responsible for no support for him whatsoever. Grassroots have worked well, but seems to have reached its limit. Ron usual talking (which has nothing to do with his campaign managers) have converted a lot of people, but, again, the limit of this simple strategy has reached its limit. And what does his campaign manager do? Absolutely nothing, no new ideas, no new strategy. They can't even get him an appropriate suit, for God sake!

11-13-2011, 06:06 AM
I have to agree with Tom Woods here. We are doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results. It's not working and we need to change our method.

The great problem is that his campaign managers think it's all OK right now. Every time Ron is asked what he's gonna to rise in polls, his answer invariably is this: "we're doing great, much better than I expected. So, we're just going to do what we've being doing". He says this every time.

I don't agree with everything you said in your post, but I agree I don't like it when RP says that everything is going great and we are going to keep doing what we are doing. What they have been doing isn't working to break through to the larger mass. That's where I think Tom Woods has it right. But...Ron Paul is Ron Paul and he is quite stubborn, very set in his ways and honestly probably doesn't even like taking advice from his managers or other people. Last time around I'd get really upset about stuff like this, but I realize there is nothing I can do about it.

11-13-2011, 06:14 AM
Yes...The last minute was great!


11-13-2011, 06:34 AM
"Storm off stage."

I said to do that long time ago because RP has to create the news since the media whores are purposely blacking him out.

RP needs to start promoting himself as the the anti-status quo AND anti-establishment candidate.

Why isn't Tom Woods on his campaign?

11-13-2011, 06:36 AM
I wonder, though, if there might be blowback from storming off the stage...as in: no more debates for Ron Paul.

11-13-2011, 06:52 AM
I wonder, though, if there might be blowback from storming off the stage...as in: no more debates for Ron Paul.

This is exactly what I think would happen too. The Republicans would rally together and say that RP isn't a Republican any way and that he doesn't deserve to be there. Just a few days ago I swear I watched someone on Fox News say this very thing.

Captain Caveman
11-13-2011, 06:55 AM
I favor a walkout of Ron Paul *supporters* during the next debate where we are in a large attendance. Say about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through the debate, if Ron is being ignored once again.

A quiet, peaceful, and orderly exit to another silencing of Ron Paul, when it happens.

If Ron is aware of this, he may be afforded a moment to comment about it at some point. (?)

11-13-2011, 07:07 AM
Can someone send this thread to Wead or to Hunter or to Benton.. just someone who can do something..

In 1992, Jerry Brown would say an 1-800 number in every debate and every TV appearance. Per Wikipedia....
Jerry Brown, however, began to pick up steam, aided by using a 1-800 number to receive funding from small donors.

It is frustrating that Ron Paul doesn't pimp ronpaul2012.com in every debate or TV appearance. "To learn more about why I want you to experience liberty and prosperity, please visit ronpaul2012.com"

11-13-2011, 07:19 AM
The great problem is that his campaign managers think it's all OK right now. Every time Ron is asked what he's gonna to rise in polls, his answer invariably is this: "we're doing great, much better than I expected. So, we're just going to do what we've being doing". He says this every time.

I'm sorry for the harsh words, but his campaign managers are dumber than my bedroom door. They're simply stupid. Ron should demand them to have an IQ test, because it's unacceptable to have his campaign managed by complete idiots who don't have a single good idea.

His campaign management is responsible for no support for him whatsoever. Grassroots have worked well, but seems to have reached its limit. Ron usual talking (which has nothing to do with his campaign managers) have converted a lot of people, but, again, the limit of this simple strategy has reached its limit. And what does his campaign manager do? Absolutely nothing, no new ideas, no new strategy. They can't even get him an appropriate suit, for God sake!

I had a post in the "Campaign Suggestion" Thread months ago about hiring a "campaign strategist" which basically fell on deaf ears here on this forum. You can read my post here: http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?311398-Hire-a-Top-Rated-Campaign-Strategist.

Looks like my concerns back then are ringing true.

11-13-2011, 07:47 AM
I like Tom's suggestion -- have a pre-prepared website ready with Ron's positions on the debate topic of the night for Ron to state during one of his debate responses.

Another suggestion - keep tracking and widely publishing the comparison of time & # questions for each of the candidates for all these debates. Get blog posts written about it, Drudge it, etc. Maybe Jon Stewart will run with it again.

Get a slogan of 'equal time & questions' going.

11-13-2011, 08:19 AM
I think Tom is right, doing a combination of these things would help dramatically.

Don't storm off stage though, that will get headlines but it will hurt us.

1. Do set up a website geared toward people who like Ron but can't get over the foreign policy journal.

2. Do call out the moderators and point people to the site if you want to learn more.

3. When the bias is so blatent like last night, do hold a press conference to answer all the questions Ron isn't getting.

11-13-2011, 08:34 AM
"Storm off stage."

I said to do that long time ago because RP has to create the news since the media whores are purposely blacking him out.

RP needs to start promoting himself as the the anti-status quo AND anti-establishment candidate.

Why isn't Tom Woods on his campaign?

HE NEEDS to let the media know that they are biased, the people are being duped by hearing 10 minutes of who is mowing Romney's lawn, they are silencing voices of reason (Him and Huntsman) and if the people want a real discussion on the issues, come and see then. Until then they can enjoy a faltering economy, a government that tortures, and war with Iran....

Then LEAVE the stage and HOPEFULLY the supporters present will start chanting "Freedom - Ron Paul - Freedom - Ron Paul - Freedom - Ron Paul". Before the debate the supporters present need to "understand" this "may" happen. They need to leave together.

Because its pointless for him to just stay there and take it.

HE HAS BEEN TO HOW MANY DEBATES NOW? HE IS ALWAYS BLACKED OUT. There is no point and HE NEEDS TO stand up and tell them they are biased and wrong for doing it. He needs to tell them that his campaign has more money come from the active duty military than ANYBODY ELSE UP HERE. Then LEAVE.

I seriously can't hardly stand it anymore. I am a LONG TERM Ron Paul supporter from WAY back here in TX.

He will NOT be elected this way if he just stays there silent not saying anything. He needs to TAKE CHARGE, show LEADERSHIP, show he isn't going to be PUSHED AROUND by the media.

WE ALL HAVE DR. PAUL'S BACK. All his supporters would applaud him leaving. At least it would make headlines and people would see his leadership.


Guys, I don't agree with anything more internet. Web site this, web site that, win this and that online poll.... It's not going to cut it. That happened last time. We have ENOUGH RP sites. We have enough online support. He needs to stand up and do something that will single him out. I'm at my wits end watching it, and I imagine RP is as well.

11-13-2011, 09:01 AM
Woods is right.

11-13-2011, 09:11 AM
Bump for another idea from Tom that is wonderful. This guy is smart. I think its a very good idea. I hope the campaign does this.

11-13-2011, 09:11 AM
The great problem is that his campaign managers think it's all OK right now. Every time Ron is asked what he's gonna to rise in polls, his answer invariably is this: "we're doing great, much better than I expected. So, we're just going to do what we've being doing". He says this every time.

I'm sorry for the harsh words, but his campaign managers are dumber than my bedroom door. They're simply stupid. Ron should demand them to have an IQ test, because it's unacceptable to have his campaign managed by complete idiots who don't have a single good idea.

They did this last time too. The standard line was, "We have a plan, but we can't tell you want it is!" There were a lot of people that thought that meant a brokered convention, but as it turned out it meant funding the C4L with the campaign cash.

11-13-2011, 09:13 AM
Woods is right.

Paulitics 2011
11-13-2011, 09:17 AM
Please email the campaign staff with a link to this video if you want it to happen:

11-13-2011, 09:17 AM
They did this last time too. The standard line was, "We have a plan, but we can't tell you want it is!" There were a lot of people that thought that meant a brokered convention, but as it turned out it meant funding the C4L with the campaign cash.

Which isn't being used to rally people (even though backdoor methods).

11-13-2011, 09:43 AM
This is good, but not complete. We need something that can appeal to the older, non-internet using, age group and also the people too lazy to go check something out. I think they key component of Woods suggestion is Paul has to come right out and say "Look, I'm not going to get treated fairly, so here it is:" approach. Call them right out and be forceful. Also, I think it would be wise to refer to ore-emtpive war and torture not as illegal, but as UNCHRISTIAN. This would really put the other candidates in a bind.

11-13-2011, 09:50 AM
Draft this guy onto the campaign staff RIGHT NOW!

11-13-2011, 09:53 AM
Ron should just bring bring a bull horn or mega phone

11-13-2011, 10:59 AM
I don't always like Tom Woods, but this is a reasonable solution.

11-13-2011, 11:04 AM
this is great!!! especially the idea of building a webpage (or televised infomercial) that deals SPECIFICALLY with foreign policy; i feel the campaign is not giving it too much attention, we need to get those republicans that had been brainwashed for decades in the war propaganda, we need to let them realize why such a policy is actually more detrimental to us. anyone here can contact the official campaign?

11-13-2011, 11:09 AM
This is good, but not complete. We need something that can appeal to the older, non-internet using, age group and also the people too lazy to go check something out. I think they key component of Woods suggestion is Paul has to come right out and say "Look, I'm not going to get treated fairly, so here it is:" approach. Call them right out and be forceful. Also, I think it would be wise to refer to ore-emtpive war and torture not as illegal, but as UNCHRISTIAN. This would really put the other candidates in a bind.
He said that-mentioning Christian Just War theory-in the '08 debates, and it went over people's heads IIRC. Maybe it will work this time though. :o

11-13-2011, 11:11 AM
I wonder, though, if there might be blowback from storming off the stage...as in: no more debates for Ron Paul.

He should publicly challenge Newt or Cain to a 2 hour debate. When they do not accept publicly announce they were too afraid to debate him publicly.

11-13-2011, 11:17 AM
He should publicly challenge Newt or Cain to a 2 hour debate. When they do not accept publicly announce they were too afraid to debate him publicly.

This would be a good idea. Along with Romney. Heck he should challenge Obama to a debate... Actually he should challenge ANY liberal to a big public debate.

But I think walking out will just make him look like a grumpy old man. The problem is you don't know if you've been cheated until the debate is almost over. Perhaps the supporters walking out would be good.
"I came to hear Ron Paul speak! I'm leaving!"

11-13-2011, 11:27 AM
Please email the campaign staff with a link to this video if you want it to happen:

I emailed them. I think all of us should.

Feeding the Abscess
11-13-2011, 11:47 AM
"Storm off stage."

I said to do that long time ago because RP has to create the news since the media whores are purposely blacking him out.

RP needs to start promoting himself as the the anti-status quo AND anti-establishment candidate.

Why isn't Tom Woods on his campaign?

People in the campaign want nothing to do with him. Seeing how Benton spoke about Kokesh, it's probably Benton at fault.

To borrow from Ron:

"You don't trust Woods to help with the campaign, but you trust him to ghostwrite of Ron's most important books?"

11-13-2011, 11:59 AM
He said that-mentioning Christian Just War theory-in the '08 debates, and it went over people's heads IIRC. Maybe it will work this time though. :o

I can't hear the video right now, and I can't find a text version, so I can't comment specifically on it.

But I've always been of the mindset that the informercial format would allow Paul the opportunity to perfectly craft his message. A URL displayed across the bottom of the screen that leads to more details about some of the nuances and sources of his information would allow people to explore the facts and figures in greater depth.

Perot used charts with great effect. Honestly, at this point, I'm not above showing dead Iraqi children on the screen when debunking the "they hate us because we're free" meme, but I suppose that's why I'm not an effective communicator.

Feeding the Abscess
11-13-2011, 12:03 PM
I can't hear the video right now, and I can't find a text version, so I can't comment specifically on it.

But I've always been of the mindset that the informercial format would allow Paul the opportunity to perfectly craft his message. A URL displayed across the bottom of the screen that leads to more details about some of the nuances and sources of his information would allow people to explore the facts and figures in greater depth.

Perot used charts with great effect. Honestly, at this point, I'm not above showing dead Iraqi children on the screen when debunking the "they hate us because we're free" meme, but I suppose that's why I'm not an effective communicator.

It's not in Ron's personality to do such a thing, but any of us here who are active in local GOP politics should absolutely do this.

11-13-2011, 12:07 PM
People in the campaign want nothing to do with him. Seeing how Benton spoke about Kokesh, it's probably Benton at fault.

To borrow from Ron:

"You don't trust Woods to help with the campaign, but you trust him to ghostwrite of Ron's most important books?"
Which book did Tom ghostwrite? /curious :confused:

Feeding the Abscess
11-13-2011, 12:09 PM
Which book did Tom ghostwrite? /curious :confused:

The Revolution.

11-13-2011, 12:09 PM
Perot used charts with great effect. Honestly, at this point, I'm not above showing dead Iraqi children on the screen when debunking the "they hate us because we're free" meme, but I suppose that's why I'm not an effective communicator.

I think going into stats and details might be a good in-between. While it's not Ron's style, here is one of the most skilled orators of our day confronting the US Senate about their crimes in Iraq.


The Republican constituency needs a fucking wakeup call. I was so disgusted listening to Mitt Romney and others trying to outdo one another as the biggest warmongers. Ron needs another moment like the one where he went after Santorum, but with more details.

11-13-2011, 12:25 PM
After the each debate, Ron Paul's team should video his responses to every question asked during the debate. The video should then be uploaded to the homepage of Ron's website & Youtube. Furthermore, he should buy commercial time during the debate to specifically mention that since he will receive less time than the other candidates at this debate, all of the questions of the debate will be answered by Ron & uploaded to RonPaul2012.com & Youtube.

11-13-2011, 12:26 PM
Hey guys we're going to meet in the chat-room at 8pm to discuss designing the web site that Tom Woods has suggested. Any contributions would be super helpful

11-13-2011, 12:28 PM
He said that-mentioning Christian Just War theory-in the '08 debates, and it went over people's heads IIRC. Maybe it will work this time though. :o

Yeah, he did it regarding preemptive war when they were asked what the most moral question of the day. But I think the kicker would be on torture. Also, the atmosphere is much different this time around. I think him coming out strongly that torture is unchristian would garner some media attention and force, at least some, war hawk Christians to evaluate their beliefs.

11-13-2011, 12:31 PM
I favor a walkout of Ron Paul *supporters* during the next debate where we are in a large attendance. Say about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way through the debate, if Ron is being ignored once again.

A quiet, peaceful, and orderly exit to another silencing of Ron Paul, when it happens.

If Ron is aware of this, he may be afforded a moment to comment about it at some point. (?)

This is THE ONLY walkout that can or should occur. RP is not a bitchy baby. Adults do not walk off the stage in a "fit of consternation". Says horrible things bout how he would handle being POTUS. Patience IS a virtue.


kill the banks
11-13-2011, 12:46 PM
excellent comments by Tom ... maybe a few lower cost radio ads in early states to direct people to site as well ... Ron Paul can stand tall at debates

11-13-2011, 01:31 PM
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11-13-2011, 07:15 PM
I just put this together: www.ForeignPolicyOfFreedom.com

Right now, it's just a redirect. I'm working on more. I think it's best to keep it simple (but elegant/professional).

Anyone want to help? Any artists out there want to make a logo?

11-13-2011, 07:18 PM
Tom Woods....hit the nail right on the head.
That is exactly what many people were trying to convey. Good on ya. I hope the campaign hears.

11-15-2011, 09:42 AM
I like this--I think we should have a site for Ron Paul to fully answer all debate questions. As they are asked, someone can put up old clips that address the same questions. Or answers could be added later. Would be awesome.

Miss Annie
11-15-2011, 09:52 AM
I like this--I think we should have a site for Ron Paul to fully answer all debate questions. As they are asked, someone can put up old clips that address the same questions. Or answers could be added later. Would be awesome.

I completely agree with this and just purchased the domain ronpaulontheissues.com . That would be a great thing to have as part of that site. If someone could gather that information, I can put it up. Being I just purchased the domain 5 minutes ago, it has not propagated yet though.

11-15-2011, 04:24 PM
This is THE ONLY walkout that can or should occur. RP is not a bitchy baby. Adults do not walk off the stage in a "fit of consternation". Says horrible things bout how he would handle being POTUS. Patience IS a virtue.


Absolutely. I think this is a terrible idea that would reflect poorly upon his dignity.

I think Ron should introduce himself next debate by saying something like "Hello, I'm Ron Paul, champion of the Constitution. I consistently receive less time than all other candidates, so since this might be the last time you hear from me tonight, please visit my website at ronpaul2012 to discover my message of freedom and peace."

11-16-2011, 01:33 AM
this is great!!! especially the idea of building a webpage (or televised infomercial) that deals SPECIFICALLY with foreign policy; i feel the campaign is not giving it too much attention, we need to get those republicans that had been brainwashed for decades in the war propaganda, we need to let them realize why such a policy is actually more detrimental to us. anyone here can contact the official campaign?

I've heard of the infomercial idea and that would be awesome, but not just for foreign policy...but you'd have to be careful to not have it look like a ross perot thing because media would have a field day spinning the positive message into something to make him look silly...