View Full Version : The Greatest Game: How a Unified Movement for Real Change Will Dominate 2012

Christopher David
11-13-2011, 02:10 AM
Hey folks,

I am looking for feedback on this big strategy article I just posted on RevoluTimes.

My candidacy for Congress against Henry Waxman gives me a prominent platform from which to promote the plan described below. It's important that I get grassroots feedback to make sure I accurately represent the capabilities of the movement and answer any likely questions.

Later in the article I talk about the Ron Paul Phone From Home (http://phone.ronpaul2012.com) program (FB group here (https://www.facebook.com/groups/phonefromhome/)), which I think we should heavily promote and recruit for. (I'm shooting to make 1,000 calls on Monday -- anyone want to compete?)

Check this out and let me know what you think. Arguments and insults welcome.



Full article here: http://www.revolutimes.com/2011/11/11/the-greatest-game/

Revolution is in the air.

From the Tea Party to the Arab Spring, decentralized protest movements are revolutionizing politics in America and all over the world.

We have entered an era in which the aging, ossified structures of the past are being eroded by a youthful, future-oriented, energetic current of liberty and independence.

Transformative change is inevitable. The only question now is who will define it.

More broadly, the question is whether the grassroots movements animated by that youthful current will allow themselves to be co-opted by the morally bankrupt political establishments that thrive by dividing and conquering — or whether they will refuse the tired arguments of the past and unite on common ground to bring real, transformative, systemic change to America and the world.

To build a movement with transformative power, people of conscience must seize the initiative and assemble a transpartisan coalition unlike any before seen, working both inside and outside the system to educate, recruit and mobilize millions to the cause.

The old imperial powers once played a ‘Great Game’ of regional conquest in Central Asia, vying for supremacy in a battle for scarce resources.

I believe we should now declare the Greatest Game to be massive global awakening and peaceful revolution to create an abundant world with liberty and justice for all.

To that end, I present below one possible framework for creating and empowering a unified movement for real change — a movement powerful enough to cause true transformative change in our lifetimes, and to develop a new generation of leaders that will shape the future for decades to come.

Read the rest here: http://www.revolutimes.com/2011/11/11/the-greatest-game/