View Full Version : Government Panel Approves Controversial Anthrax Vaccine Experiment for Children

11-04-2011, 03:58 PM
On Friday, October 28, the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), a government-appointed panel of “experts” voted its approval (12 to 1) for the government to proceed with an unconscionable medical experiment that would expose healthy US children to the risks of the anthrax vaccine, a vaccine which offers absolutely no direct benefit, but whose risks include serious adverse reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, neurological disorders, disability and death.

Don’t be misled by government propaganda about the risk of an anthrax attack– a myth perpetuated by the media:

• Anthrax is NOT CONTAGIOUS–it cannot be spread from person to person.

• Anthrax has never posed a threat to the general public; the only people at risk are research laboratory staff who handle anthrax bacteria.

• The Center for Disease Control, until recently, recommended vaccination “only for those at high risk, such as workers in research laboratories that handle anthrax bacteria routinely.”

• The FDA label (2008) states: “the vaccine is licensed for use only in adults between the ages of 18 and 65, who are at high risk for exposure to anthrax bacteria.”

The NBSB recommendation was made despite its own report acknowledging that:

“Currently, U.S. children are not at immediate risk from anthrax and would not benefit directly from pre-event AVA [anthrax vaccine] administration.”

And “There is no known benefit to vaccinating children in the absence of an imminent threat from exposure to B. anthracis other than potential future benefit.”

Their justification is without substance, relying on a hypothetical, highly exaggerated risk from an unlikely event:

“Preparation for a national and potentially global threat from the use of B. anthracis spores by terrorists is a major priority for U.S. national security.”

What evidence exists of any “national and potentially global threat from anthrax”?

One is reminded of the purported “weapons of mass destruction” which never materialized, but served as our government’s excuse for going to war against Iraq.

Full story: http://healthimpactnews.com/2011/government-panel-approves-controversial-anthrax-vaccine-experiment-for-children/

James Madison
11-04-2011, 04:45 PM
Don't understand their reason for pushing this, besides to make big pharma lots of money.

11-04-2011, 04:56 PM
Don't understand their reason for pushing this, besides to make big pharma lots of money.

That IS the reason. It is the reason why the Bird Flu a few years ago, and the Swine Flu the past couple of years have been pushed as "epidemics" when there are no epidemics. Under Bush the Bird Flu scare was a huge media propaganda campaign that legislation was passed giving pharmaceutical companies immunity from lawsuits to rush these vaccines to market. Government protection of these pharmaceutical companies allows them to bring as many vaccines to market as they want. Without government protection, most of them would have stopped making vaccines a long time ago due to litigation against them for all the vaccine damaged people we now have in our society. No free market restraint what-so-ever.

11-04-2011, 05:41 PM
Any other web links?

low preference guy
11-04-2011, 05:42 PM

11-04-2011, 05:51 PM
Any other web links?

What kind of links are you looking for? Here's a recent one:

There are whole books that have been written on the bird flu hoax: http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/fowl_bird_flu.htm

11-04-2011, 06:17 PM
How much you want to bet Perry people are drafting up a bill to force this drug on us?

11-05-2011, 02:17 PM
This is not any sort of mandatory program being proposed. What is proposed (and not aproved) is to test the vaccine- both for efficacy and side effects- in a study which could include children. Maybe. The testing has not been aproved.


The US National Biodefense Science Board has told the US government that to prepare for a bioterrorist attack it should test a decades-old anthrax vaccine in children, as its effects in the young are unknown.

In the event of an anthrax attack, the oral antibiotic ciprofloxacin can save lives by killing anthrax bacteria in the lungs. But a few anthrax spores may lurk and germinate weeks later, so people must stay on the drug for 60 days – and this can result in nasty side effects.

Vaccinating people immediately after exposure also kills late-germinating spores, so permits shorter antibiotic treatments. The US has stockpiled anthrax vaccine for precisely this purpose – but no one has ever tested what vaccine doses are effective and safe in children. A quarter of the US population is aged under 18.

The National Biodefense Science Board was asked last April to advise whether the existing anthrax vaccine should be tested in children before any attack, or simply given as an emergency measure if needed, while data is gathered on safety and response. They voted for the first option last week.

Ethical move

The government says it will carry out an ethical study of the situation, however, before deciding on the tests. Much may depend on whether anthrax is still perceived as a real risk, after 10 years without a repeat of the 2001 anthrax attack.

No one is talking about routine anthrax vaccination in childhood, especially as current vaccines confer immunity for at most a few years. Vaccination would be needed immediately after an attack. "Best is to vaccinate and give everyone 10 days of antibiotics", which should fend off the bacteria while vaccination takes effect, says Martin Hugh-Jones of the University of Louisiana at Baton Rouge. As an anthrax researcher, he is regularly vaccinated. "Then you repeat that, after 10 days, while watching for symptoms," he says.

"The real problem is ethical, because all vaccines carry some degree of risk, and that must be balanced against the very small chance that these children will ever encounter the disease," says Les Baillie of Cardiff University in the UK, who has carried out anthrax vaccine research for both the US and UK military.

The proposal is to vaccinate children and measure their immune response, but no one knows what level of immunity will protect humans against infection. "What will these tests show?" Baillie asks.

Perhaps more usefully, Baillie and colleagues from Turkey and Georgia are studying what immune responses are protective in the Caucasus, where the disease is endemic. The team is comparing the immunity elicited by the existing US, UK and Russian anthrax vaccines there – in adults. It would make more sense to test vaccines in such places, where people are at real risk of contracting anthrax, says Baillie.

11-05-2011, 04:09 PM
This is not any sort of mandatory program being proposed. What is proposed (and not aproved) is to test the vaccine- both for efficacy and side effects- in a study which could include children. Maybe. The testing has not been aproved.


Yes, its true it has not been "approved" for actual testing, and the article clearly states that. But a government panel by a vote of 12 to 1 has approved it. Should we wait until it is implemented before informing people about this?? I don't think so....

11-05-2011, 04:14 PM
What's interesting about this panel's recommendation, is that even pro-vaccine advocate Paul Offit, who is a paid consultant for the vaccine industry and consistently denies the vaccine-autism link and believes that government knows better than parents regarding vaccines, also is AGAINST this experimentation: http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2011/10/advisory-panel-urges-us-to-condu.html

What a culture of fear and blind trust in something called "science" we live in today that would lead people to sacrifice the health and possibly lives of innocent healthy children for the "greater good" of potentially protecting people in the future from a bio-terrorist attack using anthrax. We forget that such an attack actually occurred just after 9/11 and it turned out be mostly harmless and ineffective. The threat of anthrax attacks seems to be way over-hyped (as was the bird flu and swine flu), and simply used as a means for more government control like this.

Bosco Warden
11-05-2011, 04:40 PM
Its all about the GDP, which is a dynamic figure and shows growth, right?


11-05-2011, 05:13 PM
In a nutshell, testing routines are being made to look democratic and thoughtful so that certain companies and people will not get sued or jailed.

11-05-2011, 05:40 PM
The vaccine division of almost every pharmaceutical company would have been driven out of business long ago without the help of government. It is one of the worst, if not THE worst, consequence of cronyism. It is sacrificing the future of our country by damaging our nation's children. If we had free market restraints instead, there would be far fewer vaccines today, and probably much safer ones.

Former CDC director Julie Gerberding went to work for Merck when she left the CDC after she orchestrated the bird flu "epidemic" that never existed, and pushed for Gardasil to be approved. From VacTruth.com:

The most recent in a long list of government bureaucrats to leave the public dole and take up the high-paying cause of Big Pharma is none other than former head of the CDC Julie Gerberding. One year and one day from the date of departure from the Taxpayer payroll, Ms. Gerberding takes the reins as president of the vaccine division of the principle descendant of I.G. Farben: Merck Pharmaceuticals.

The revolving door between the Department of Health and Human Services and the pharmaceutical industrial complex is legend – and it swings both ways. Current head of the FDA, Margaret Hamburg, served on the board of directors for Henry Schein, Inc., manufacturer of mercury dental amalgams, in between her stints with the Clinton and now Obama administrations. Therefore it should surprise no one that the FDA, despite mercury’s known neurotoxicity, in 2009 ruled that mercury amalgams are really not so bad.

While Hamburg’s return to the federal bureaucratic oligarchy has already paid dividends to the industry she left, Gerberding’s departure should raise conflict-of-interest concerns for anyone wanting a CDC free of undue influence from Merck and other vaccine manufacturers.

A long time proponent of drug and vaccine intervention, Dr. Gerberding earned the nickname “Chicken Little” during her tenure at CDC for claiming that each successive flu season might be the one that puts the 1918 Spanish Influenza to shame. Yet there has always been a strange cognitive dissonance in her message.

In between vaccine promotional efforts during the H5N1 Bird Flu hype of 2006, The News Tribune in Tacoma Washington caught her admitting on April 15 of that year:

“There is no evidence it will be the next pandemic,” Dr. Julie Gerberding, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, said of avian flu. There is “no evidence it is evolving in a direction that is becoming more transmissible to people.”

One wonders, is it fringe to ask why mainstream medical reporters find it uninteresting to follow up on such statements from the head of the CDC? Especially considering this statement, specifically, contradicted most of her other official pronouncements that stressed potential end-of-the-world influenza scenarios. Even paid vaccine advocate Paul A. Offit (Children’s Hospital Philadelphia) admitted at the time that H5 viruses have been around for 100 years and never caused a pandemic and likely never will.

Two newer drugs benefit the most from the annual CDC-sky-is-falling-pronouncements: Tamiflu and Relenza. Due to CDC’s unwavering allegiance to the products of Big Pharma, billions of dollars in Taxpayer funds have been transferred to the drug industry for stockpiling these medicines that may only shorten duration of viral infection by ½ to 1 day. Warnings about delirium and other abnormal behavior (some resulting in fatal outcomes) coupled with limited data proving effectiveness seem to have been ignored by CDC’s leadership.

Outside of those two blockbuster drugs for influenza, it had become apparent that the future profitability of the pharmaceutical industry rests heavily on the growth of its vaccine divisions. Increasingly, that growth had grown incredibly dependent upon government health organizations and their ability to foment fear in the lay populace.

Why would Merck want to hire someone so schizophrenic on the issue of annual influenza outbreaks? One likely scenario has Gerberding helping institutionalize the annual flu hype, which became quite the bonanza for vaccine manufacturers at a time when the new drug pipeline had stalled out. With very few blockbuster drugs on the horizon, existing, more profitable drugs were all too close to having to compete with generics.

Julie Gerberding serves her future master well
Gerberding’s January 2004 Report to Congress “Prevention of Genital Human Papillomavirus Infection” paved the way for eventual approval for Merck’s Gardasil vaccine, guaranteeing billions in profits for her future employer. Perhaps the vaccine presidency is Julie’s reward for cementing the relationship between government and Merck via the CDC, the agency that behaves as the de facto marketing arm of the vaccine industry.

Another gift to Merck under Gerberding’s management has been the CDC’s continual denial that there is any link between the mercury-based preservative, thimerosal, and autism on the small scale; and vaccinations and autism on the large scale. Recent CDC reports place the incidence of autism at 1 in 110 children, four times higher than previous estimates. A major key to the viability of future vaccines in the pipeline is the tacit denial of any link of autism to the heavy metal, or vaccines in general, now or in the future.

Julie Gerberding holds a medical degree and a Masters in Public Health, yet she can’t seem to do the math coinciding with a four-fold increase in the number of mandated childhood vaccines since the time autism estimates were ¼ of what they are now. Although she would likely not qualify for a job requiring statistically relevant analysis, her ability to look away from that which is reasonable in assessing vaccine safety is evidently a vital prerequisite for the presidency of Merck vaccines.

Personnel within federal agencies under the auspices of the Department of Health and Human Services, rather than protecting the public, behave as if they work on behalf of the interests of BIG PHARMA.

Now that she is out of the vaccine closet since Merck’s hiring, will Julie Gerberding come clean about her unconscionable denials regarding any link between vaccines and autism, much less the link between the CDC and Merck? Or does she believe that the over-two-billion dollars paid out to families of injured and killed children since passage of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act is mere coincidence as well?

Source: http://vactruth.com/2010/01/04/julie-gerberding-primed-big-pharmas-pump-with-flu-and-hpv-vaccines/

11-05-2011, 06:21 PM
I can't wait for the horde of liberal mothers demanding this to be mandatory.

11-06-2011, 10:04 AM
This shit will not touch my children.

If they get kicked out of school because we refuse, so be it. But my kids are not guinea pigs, and will not be treated as such.