View Full Version : European Sovereign Debt Crisis? Crickets.

11-01-2011, 11:08 AM
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed that Paul brings this up in virtually every interview. And there is never, ever a follow-up question.

Now European finances are imploding in real-time, and all the ECB's horses and all the Fed's men (the cavalry of last resort) may not be able to put them back together again.

To me, the message is simple:

1) Paul is the only candidate seriously addressing the most serious issue of the day;
2) America is hurtling down the same dead-end road at breakneck speed;
3) As with Europe, a crash will be followed by banks fighting taxpaying citizens for space in the ambulance;
4) But it is not too late to take a sharp detour towards a sustainable fiscal (and monetary) policy;
5) Now is the time to follow Ron!

I totally understand that the focus is Raise Money / Run Ads in Iowa / Get Seniors / Win Iowa, but I'm concerned that we may not have the fundraising firepower. The upcoming moneybomb could top out around $1M. Will that be enough? I strongly believe we need to help the campaign by getting the message out, person by person, that this is NOT the time to be worrying about Cain's sexual harassment allegations, or (as Paul says) who's mowing Mitt Romney's lawn, or whatever the distraction of the day is.

But if we get THIS message out, the buzz can build, the questions will start, the media will bite, and pretty soon Ron will be on every network talking about it. There is literally no other political figure that they can turn to.

What do you all think?

11-01-2011, 11:15 AM
I've heard him say it before. Some don't get it I reckon, but others are kind of recovering from the worldwide calamity we're in. I think 50% don't get it and the other 50% feel punched in the gut at the thought of surmounting this crisis.

11-01-2011, 11:19 AM
I agree that they don't get it. And I admit that my "message" above is an oversimplification of a solution (if there is one). But it's a start, and it ties in neatly with Ron's own message. As I say, he's been mentioning it in interview after interview, with no follow-up. My hope is that people will start to say, "Hey, I need to know about this. Who knows about this? Ron Paul knows about this!"

11-09-2011, 03:25 PM
Bump for comments.

It was "crickets" here too when I first brought this up ...

I want to add that I think Paul's prescription for debt liquidation needs some wordsmithing. He brings up the brief depression of 1921 quite often and says that it was "over in a year" (true). And I've heard him use the chemotherapy/cancer analogy at least once, which I think is excellent --- i.e., chemo is tough medicine, but the cancer gets worse without it. But then he waffles when the interviewer asks if his cuts will cause an immediate recession.

Instead of saying, well, the banks and other bad actors will suffer, etc., I strongly believe he should simply say, YES, IT WILL. It was cause a depression, in fact. And if it's anything like the 1921 depression, it will be beyond comprehension for anyone living today. He should say, it will be truly awful, it will require the wealthy to step up and give generously to those in need, but like chemotherapy, it is the only way to STOP THE CANCER affecting the worldwide economy. And it WILL stop the cancer.