View Full Version : Anyone Else HAD IT with NBC Green Week?

11-06-2007, 08:23 AM
So, I'm listening to MSNBC this a.m., and Norah has this guy on with 55 ways to go green. They concentrated on the "easy stuff."

First, they want us to switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs. They just happen to be made with mercury. What are you going to do when you break one? Why not switch to 130 VOLT incandescent light bulbs. They last over a year. I've been using them for years. You cannot get them at a normal retail store. You have to go to a lighting store, and they're just a little more than the 120 Volt light bulbs. You can save a fortune on these while severely limiting waste.

But, wait, it gets even BETTER....

If you have a wedding and your guests fly in, you can have them buy carbon offsets as their wedding gift!

They have totally lost their minds in pushing this scam.

11-06-2007, 08:26 AM
How about another big news item of the day - Anna Nicole's sister just got plastic surgery to get boobs like her deceased sister! Now there's some NEWS for you!!!

Judging from her sister's outcome - stupidity must be hereditary in that family!

11-06-2007, 08:29 AM
How about another big news item of the day - Anna Nicole's sister just got plastic surgery to get boobs like her deceased sister! Now there's some NEWS for you!!!

Judging from her sister's outcome - stupidity must be hereditary in that family!

Are you for real, or are you just making that one up? If its real, I think im going to have a good fit-o laughin.