View Full Version : OK guys, here comes the attacks. Are we ready this time?

11-06-2007, 06:50 AM
As I write this the media outlets are preparing their responses. The enemies of our movement are working on their spin, and we all know what that is going to be. Are we going to whine and moan this time, or are we going to counter these attempts with positive reactions and assault insults with ideas?

Make that choice. Every negative post you make here is a win for the bad guys. Every time you do not assault negative or misleading information with positive truth and support you lose a point for us. Think hard about how you are going to play this and remember - we are winning but the war isn't won yet.


Choice is yours on how you handle it. You should never be surprised at what they try to do. Make sure you represent the Good Doctor as he would want you to!

Good luck!

11-06-2007, 06:51 AM
I woke up today to listen to Bill Bennett of "Morning in America" talk show fame.

Turns out he's "out" today. I bet he's up there in DC getting his marching orders from the Prez.


11-06-2007, 07:30 AM
As I write this the media outlets are preparing their responses. The enemies of our movement are working on their spin, and we all know what that is going to be. Are we going to whine and moan this time, or are we going to counter these attempts with positive reactions and assault insults with ideas?

Absolutely right. The best comments after articles are those that correct the facts without whining about MSM conspiracies, etc., offer additional information, hope, maybe a little humor. Avoiding repetition excessive repitition is important, too, though it's a fine line because some audiences need points to be driven home repeatedly.

I am super-proud of how well the majority of RP supporters acquit themselves in comment sections.

11-06-2007, 07:32 AM
I posted this separatly to help with some ammunition against those who'd try to take the joking spirit of the movie and the symbolism out of context.


11-06-2007, 07:33 AM
Absolutely right. The best comments after articles are those that correct the facts without whining about MSM conspiracies, etc., offer additional information, hope, maybe a little humor. Avoiding repetition excessive repitition is important, too, though it's a fine line because some audiences need points to be driven home repeatedly.

I am super-proud of how well the majority of RP supporters acquit themselves in comment sections.

i have nothing to add

11-06-2007, 07:34 AM
More often than not I learn more from comments than I do from the article its self.