View Full Version : *sigh* Wolf Blitzer still obsessed over Ron Paul 3rd Party run

10-24-2011, 11:54 AM

(CNN) – Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul is making it clear that he doesn’t think there’s a whole lot of difference on the most important issues between his rival Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama.

“Would there be a change in foreign policy?” Paul asked during an interview on NBC's “Meet the Press.” “No, there would not be.”

He then insisted that there was really no difference between Romney and Obama on entitlement spending, auditing the Federal Reserve and cutting the nation’s debt.

“No,” Paul insisted. “There would not be a significant difference between the two – although on the edges, maybe. … So, no, the regulatory system, the spending, the deficits, the printing of money, they stay the same.”

When I heard that, I again wondered what the Republican congressman from Texas would do if Romney won the Republican nomination. Would he jump on the Romney bandwagon, or would he run as a third-party candidate?

10-24-2011, 12:54 PM
Ironically he would get a lot of media attention IF that did occur. Thinking he had no chance of winning they would label him as a spoiler for the republicans. Liken him to Ross Perot, who if stayed in and not dropped out and got back in could have won. It would be almost transparent how the Democrat and Republican candidates would look the same in a debate against RP.

Yet that will never happen as he is going to win the Republican Nomination as last man standing.

10-24-2011, 12:59 PM
Mitt Romney would run 3rd party when Ron Paul wins the GOP nomination. He will draw independents and RINOs from Obama and guarantee a Ron Paul win.

10-25-2011, 11:27 AM
What pisses me off is that everytime RP gets asked this question, he hems and haws .."wellll thats not something im considering" Drives me nuts.. Ron Paul should say, "Dont ever ask me that question again because I am going to win this nomination pure and simple. and stop trying to imply that im not going to win by asking me these stupid questions becuase I AM GOING TO WIN!"