View Full Version : Message to Ron Paul

10-17-2011, 06:33 PM
I wrote the following in the feedback form at www.ronpaul.com and I was wondering what everyone thinks:

The purpose of this message is to hopefully provide some useful advice. Although I may be wrong because I cannot follow EVERYTHING that happens, I have noticed that Dr. Paul seems to address the American people only. Keeping in mind that his intentions are to bring the troops home and close unnecessary military bases throughout the world, I feel that Dr. Paul should address immigrants and get them on his side. For example, every time that he attempts to discuss the situation between Israel and Palestine he is either ignored or "booed" by the majority of Americans. Why not address the Palestinians directly and get those who have become citizens to vote for him? Same applies to Iraqi and Pakistani immigrants (and many others). My point being that there are so many immigrants, such as myself, in the United States that love this country, but dislike how the government treats other countries. Why not address them directly and appeal to them? Just my two cents...

10-18-2011, 07:55 AM
When it comes to immigrants, America is going through this stage of scapegoating foreigners for all their woes. Most of what the American people believe relative to the issue is in error and if you are not a U.S. born citizen - and not black or white, you've just had a bad day.

A majority of Americans have this view that the Israelis are above criticisms when they are in the wrong. No politician can score any points by criticizing those that many Americans feel can do no wrong. Right now, we (as a nation) live in this state of denial and refuse to accept the fact that American foreign policy has been a colossal failure. And, just like the proven insights by Ron Paul on economics, Paul is probably right about foreign policy.

I can hope that he will speak directly to immigrants, but it will come at a risk from those suffering from Hispanophobia, xenophobia and the crowd that thinks the Israelis are omnipotent angels. I may even be put on a hit list again for telling you the truth.

10-18-2011, 07:59 AM
I think Ron's message of leaving our neighbors alone and terminating international welfare will resonate with those not on the take.