View Full Version : Good debate going on at the OWS site

10-17-2011, 04:16 PM

We need more Ron Paul supporters, although the ones posting are doing a great job.

10-17-2011, 04:18 PM
Wow. They're killing Ron Paul.

10-17-2011, 04:24 PM
In my experience, this is a typical attitude you will see from an informed OWS protester who doesn't support Ron Paul:

I personally do not support Ron Paul. I like him, but his policies vary too far from things which I believe to support him as my candidate for President.

And before you or anyone else asks, no, Obama, Romney, Santorum, Cain, any of the others...I don't like them either.

But this movement is about more than a simple candidate, or even a specific vision of the future. This is a true and pure reaction to a level of corruption and incompetence in government that we all recognize and all no long can tolerate.

Be you a socialist or marxist who seeks state control of industry or a libertarian constitutionalist who wants the government to stop using taxpayer money to bail out wallstreet, or any variation thereof...this movement is about our collective frustration over the fact that specific and select private interests have come to dominate our legislative process and corrupt every potential leader who has a viable chance of actually being elected before any of us even have the chance to cast our vote.

May I suggest the following? And please make sure to read through the comments and conversations as that is where the general thesis is so much more refined...

One Last Battle!
10-17-2011, 05:02 PM
My oh my, the divisiveness of the topic is generating sparks.

10-17-2011, 05:06 PM
OWS got coopted quicker then the tea party. It's basically a re-elect Obama movement or commies wanting a 2nd soviet union.

10-17-2011, 05:33 PM
OWS got coopted quicker then the tea party. It's basically a re-elect Obama movement or commies wanting a 2nd soviet union.

I'm not sure how you got that out of what was posted but perhaps some critical thinking skills need to be applied rather than rash generalizations that completely miss the point

Sentient Void
10-17-2011, 05:51 PM
I just posted under the name 'Apparatchik'

OWS doesn't advocate partisan politics (even though partisan politics are trying to co-opt it... be very careful of this folks - reject all such attempts by corporations, union, Bernie Sanders, Democrats, Republicans, etc)... there are too many varying views, and thus cannot nor should it 'endorse' a politican president... BUT.
I, as an individual - absolutely support ███ ████ for president in 2012. If you want to end the corporatism, end the wars, end the drug war, maximize the freedom for us as individuals to live our lives as we don't violate the person nor property of others - if you believe in that, then ███ ████ is the only choice for President for those who vote.
Plus, if this simple comic doesn't convince you to be a libertarian, or at least stop asking the government to 'fix the problem', then I don't know what will.

Make sure you 'vote it up' and give it points. Anyone else post? Lotsa activity and potential exposure there.

Our arguments win, because they are sound, logical, and correct. The attacks against ████ are baseless.