View Full Version : NRO: Ron Paul Dropping a Reality Bomb on the GOP Field

10-17-2011, 10:13 AM
Ron Paul Dropping a Reality Bomb on the GOP Field (http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/280322/ron-paul-dropping-reality-bomb-gop-field-kevin-d-williamson)

...Real fiscal change probably won’t happen until things get bad enough economically that reform looks politically easier than maintaining the status quo. But moments like that have a way of sneaking up on you — ask the Greeks — and we’ll want to have a robust plan ready to go. For all my reservations about Ron Paul, he does a real public service by reminding conservatives that, while we are rightly hesitant about radical proposals, tinkering around the edges is not going to get it done in the long term. The age of unpleasant choices is upon us.

Only big government types would find it unpleasant.

h/t reason comments (http://reason.com/blog/2011/10/17/ron-paul-set-to-unveil-a-1-tri)