View Full Version : How to deal with some comments?

Okie RP fan
10-13-2011, 08:26 AM
We need an official Internet comments and responses thread, or something. I just want to post these to show what we are up against, not that everyone doesn't know already.

Anyway, was on Fox News a little while ago and posted this on their front page story about Cain being first in the polls now:

"Love how Fox News is now pushing Cain down our throats.
I suppose that's better than the golden boy tandem Romney and Perry that the media was insisting on shoving in our faces."

And here are two separate responses I received:

"They report ~~ you decide.... Obviously you have a problem with this concept and like people thinking for you...."

"What is your problem? Maybe you need to return to MSNBC where they speak your language."

It is so hard to respond to such ignorance.

10-13-2011, 08:38 AM
Good thread! I have an idea along this line too. Let's see if I can explain it.

How about an internet ad that is open like a portal for the campaign to rotate-in videos which best represents the conversation in America on a day to day or hour to hour basis?

I keep thinking how cool it would be to imbed this on my blog, having the campaign refresh the videos, and/or ads. :)