View Full Version : Olbermaann and Dobbs = PHONY OPPOSITION !! Plain & Simple

11-05-2007, 07:49 PM
We all love what they say and they always keep asking who will be that Candidiate to stand up and fight?? Yet they NEVER ever mention RON PAUL!! EVER, either one of them!! They are a joke and they have no credibitily with me.

Jack Cafferty I give him credit for saying basically PEOPLE yes their is a guy out there, his name is RON PAUL but they have a gag order in MSM on him so open your eyes and go check this guy out there is a reason he raised over 3 mil online today!!

Go Jack! As to Lou, I sure wish your friend Ted Turner still owned CNN because I bet he would be behind RON 100% imho

11-05-2007, 07:52 PM
Has anyone ever heard olberman say anything about RP at all? Positive or negative?
I think he does not want to get involved in this with RP and should be respected just for that..

11-05-2007, 07:54 PM
keith olberman is the rush limbaugh of the left...

they do a great job of exposing the corruption and hypocrisy of the "opposition" party....but they will never support anyone other than someone from their own party...


11-05-2007, 07:55 PM
Both Lou an Olbermann are Democrat tools. They are blinded by the fact that they are biased journalists and nothing more with zero education in the history of the world.

11-05-2007, 07:59 PM