View Full Version : 999 a DeFacto 9% VAT tax

Roy Bleckert
10-11-2011, 09:33 AM
Over a 9% Income Tax , On to of a 9% Sales Tax ?

This is one ave. that Ron might take in the debates/campaign

The 9% Corp tax is a defacto Value Added Tax , so a product every company that is involved at every step is taxed at 9% of income before it is offered for sale , Biz does not pay Tax they collect & pass it on to the Government it is just another expense they have to figure into their product

Then you are taxed again at 9% for every $ you earn

Then you are taxed again at 9% for everything you buy

27% to the Federales then you figure State & local taxes & you are @ 50% + in Government fleecing your wealth

Cain also sez his plan is revenue neutral , but he claims it is a tax cut ... if it is revenue neutral & some get a tax cut , some one else gets a tax raise ?

also a revenue neutral plan does nothing to shrink the size of Gov. as a product of Gross National Product , which adds another reason why

999 is a EPIC FAIL ! LOLLLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-11-2011, 09:41 AM
Cain's 9-9-9 plan is extremely dangerous. It is a LARGE tax INCREASE on the middle class, elderly, unemployed and poor.

Cain wants to create a national sales tax of 9% for all new purchases. Unlike The Fair Tax, there will be no rebates for necessities. Food and clothing will be taxed at a rate of 9% (on top of the local and state sales tax we have to pay). Cain is not eliminating the income tax, and is instead raising the rate for most Americans, while lowering it drastically for the richest Americans. I'm all for lowering taxes, but I'm not for lowering taxes for the rich by increasing taxes on the poor.

Cain claims that his plan will raise the same amount of revenue that we raise under our current system. To me, that means that government spending will remain the same. A true conservative plan would call for less revenue, and would make up for that by cutting spending.

Ron Paul wants to eliminate the income tax and replace it with NOTHING. If we drastically cut spending, we can achieve that.

Ron Paul also supports The Fair Tax as a backup plan if he is unable to convince congress to cut enough spending. At the very least, a Fair Tax would eliminate the Income Tax and replace it with a national sales tax. But unlike Cain's plan, it would give Americans rebates to cover taxes on necessities such as food, clothing and medicine. And remember, there would be no Income Tax!

There's nothing conservative about raising taxes for some, while lowering them for others all the while keeping government the same size. As conservatives, we must fight to lower taxes for all by cutting spending. Herman Cain's plan is not conservative, and it's downright cruel since it raises taxes on Grandma and your neighbor who lost his job.

10-11-2011, 09:44 AM
Easy sentence to remember...

"I want to get RID of taxes - not add new ones!"

Roy Bleckert
10-11-2011, 09:46 AM
Easy sentence to remember...

"I want to get RID of taxes - not add new ones!"

Great Point !

10-11-2011, 03:42 PM
thah stamp act, yes!
VAT=value add'd tax!
not beer or wine tax!

10-11-2011, 04:21 PM
A question I would ask Cain is being that he is a supporter of the "Fair Tax", why is he advocating for a national sales tax on top of income and business taxes. A major part of the Fair Tax plan is elimination of the 16th amendment. Most Fair Taxers(of which I was at one time), wouldn't support the plan if the 16th amendment wasn't repealed. Seems this is a pretty big flip-flop for Cain. Maybe his achillies heal?

10-11-2011, 11:17 PM
ron paul nailed herman cain earlier.
just went to the huffpo site and its
west coast timestamps happily full of
the better debate moments. despite
the unfair time allocations, ron paul
did quite well. tarp, 999 + the FED
may trip up the pizza CEO next tyme?
an' as to the "Democratic plantation"?
we are going to see how this registered.