View Full Version : Is it time for a new "What If?" speech? (re: Anwar al-Awlaki)

10-06-2011, 11:10 AM
It's a shame that so many people aren't willing to even consider the targeted assassination of a U.S. citizen as something to be cautious about. I think the problem is that the target was an extreme example of a potential threat (although even that isn't certain...). So, I ask, what if?

What if Anwar al-Awlaki was assassinated within the U.S.?
What if he weren't a dual citizen?
What if he weren't a Muslim?
What if he were Christian?
What if his name was John Smith?
What if he had blond hair?
What if Awlaki was a female?
What if Bush had been President?
What if there was judicial oversight?
What if he were innocent?

I'd love to see Ron Paul give a "What if?" speech along these lines. People need to wake up to what a threat this situation truly represents.

10-06-2011, 12:05 PM
People are already calling him a kook for saying what he has said about this issue. Doing this is just going to make him look bad/worse. If Anwar hadn't already been demonized in America you might have a good idea, but so many people are too emotional to think logically and reasonably, so this is not a good idea for this situation. It will be viewed as protecting terrorists and no matter what arguments you make to defend Ron they simply won't listen. It is best to ignore it from this point on I say, instead of making a big deal out of it which will most probably negatively affect his campaign. Reason doesn't work well with the public, we should know this by now.