View Full Version : Police and Beggar. True Story

10-05-2011, 08:09 AM
A beggar or homeless man on the streets was arrested and thrown in prison or jail by USA police. Later police found out that this beggar was the owner of the company that had designed the biggest plane of that time or that era. I think this happened in year 1920 (please confirm).

The police was terrified and immediately released the big man.

A CEO of a large company (you would know the name) dressed as a homeless man and acted homeless for a week.. but I dont know the rest of the story.

People should not misbehave or fool around with a stranger or a person they do not know.

George Bush had said "under normal circumstances I would have allowed the companies to fail but this is extra ordinary situation".

An American has said "it is not the business of governments to bail out companies".

There are millions of God's messengers in this world.

Consider my true example:

I am into investment business. 2 years back I said "no" to an investor from Iran because of international sanctions on Iran. There are honest people in all the countries.

5 days back, I needed $20 Paypal but my Brother said "no" because I am highly controversial writer and poster.

My brother is scared of law authorities.