View Full Version : What is going on with people? (The Anwar al-Awlaki thing on reddit)

09-30-2011, 05:24 PM
So I'm reading reddit, which seems to be pretty "liberal" a lot of the time. When I think of "liberals," I disagree with a lot of their ideology, but I always gave them credit as at least seeming more compassionate. They seem appalled when Perry talks about executions and gets cheers.

But I'm reading a lot of these stories about Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, and it's like these people instantly have turned into those monsters they were so appalled by before. I noticed this with msnbc reporting on the Bin Laden death as well, but this one seems worse (well, not to me, but I expect it should seem worse to others) as they are American citizens.

I guess as long as their guy is doing it, it's ok. It's really starting to seriously bother me. Not only is it accepted, but embraced. It really makes me worried for the world.

If anyone is interested in trying to help people over there understand, please drop by reddit.com/r/politics. I thought this Ron Paul video of him explaining the assassination mindset was relevant if anyone wants to add their two cents or vote:


Anyway, while I never agreed with either party, I at least thought each had a few noble ideas. But it's getting worse quickly it seems to me... It's basically a single party, but worse it's a single party in the wrong direction.

The party-blindness is also flowing into the on-street movements being hijacked. I notice a lot of people there support the Wall Street Occupation, but don't mind if it's hijacked by Unions. Do people not realize at this point they just become pawns in the political game? It's just hard to find voices of reason almost anywhere I look.

- Darin

09-30-2011, 06:10 PM
I would disagree that Politicians are getting worse. They are staying the same. The situation itself is getting worse because We have shuffled politicians in and out office with the same mindset for so long it's no longer funny.

09-30-2011, 07:41 PM
a lot of people that voted for OBombA wont admit they were wrong and cling to the left / right thing because it would mean that their world would collapse if they actually had to view reality as it is

09-30-2011, 07:47 PM
Reddit is awful. You destroy all of their arguments and they throw the evolution thing out there as the reason they can't vote for him. They obviously lie about him. Just look at this comment that received massive upvotes in response to someone asking who he is:

How can you be a redditor for almost a year and only be moderately familiar with him?

Anyway, I'll tell you my problems with him.

He wants to end social security, FEMA, Planned Parenthood, and basically every social safety net out there.

He's pretty anti-gay, wants to deny hate crime protections as well as deny the right to marry.

He basically wants to return to a late 1800s style economy.

He's pro creationism-in-the-classroom

Wants to remove almost all environmental restrictions

Actually, he wants to remove pretty much all restrictions on corporations. He may not be in their pockets, but he's willing to sell us out to the corporations for free.

That whole thing with "let 'em die" with regards to uninsured sick people.

Anti-choice, wants the government to tell a woman what she can and can't do with her own body

Anti-embryonic stem cell research

He voted yes to keep "under God" in the pledge, so his strict adherence to the constitution ends at religion

has actually spoken out against the 14th amendment, as well. Says we shouldn't have a right to privacy. Claims Texas should have the right to tell its citizens who they should be allowed to have sex with.

Rejection of hate crimes in general. Doesn't seem to understand the need for them.

Actually authored a bill to require prayer in schools, and supported making it an actual constitutional amendment

Thinks Global warming is some liberal conspiracy or something. He called it a "hoax"

he's opposed to any increase in public transportation, has voted against ever mass transit bill ever put before him. I want my high speed rail.

He voted no on all of those schip and children's healthcare bills, as if it's their own fault for having the gall to be born to a poor family.

There's probably more. That's mostly the reasons I think he's awful. I'm sure others might have other problems with him, and some people might like some of these things about him. And of course the paultards are going to come argue with me, claim EVERYTHING is supposed to be a state's right, and I'm too stupid to understand how much of a messiah he is.

They talk about how awful the wars are, yet when anyone mentions Ron, they call him "isolationist". Drug war? "He wants the states to arrest us instead". "How can he claim to be a constitutionalist when he wants to change it?"


I just hide out in the r/Libertarian corner.

09-30-2011, 07:48 PM
Pride is an ugly thing. Keeps people walking down the wrong path even when they know it.

09-30-2011, 08:18 PM
I was reading the Huffington Post earlier, and it was the same way; about 80% of the comments section looked like it could have been written by Dick Cheney. Poster after poster was openly blood-mongering, mindlessly insulting Ron Paul, and simply ignoring or brushing past the civil libertarian and constitutionalist arguments like mere trifles- and it appeared that the small minority going against the grain were mostly libertarians of our stripe, not regular Huffington Post liberals. It is simply amazing what a brainwashed society we inhabit.