View Full Version : Fair & Balanced Debate Idea

09-28-2011, 02:14 PM
I've been getting more & more ticked at how unfair the debates have been so far & had an idea about what they could do to balance it out. My idea is that that each candidate would get a question in a certain category & would have 90 seconds to answer. After that round of questions each candidate would get an additional 30 seconds to respond to any of the questions asked or responses from any candidate in that round. There would be no 30 second "ping-pong" battles that seem to only benefit Romney & Perry. After the last 30 second response, a new line of questioning would begin in a different subject.

One other thing, there would be a running 2 minute timer & 30 second timer that the candidates can see. If they go over their allotted time, their microphone would fade off.

09-28-2011, 02:34 PM
They don't want a fair and balanced debate.

09-28-2011, 02:39 PM
They don't want a fair and balanced debate.

Rothbardian Girl
09-28-2011, 02:43 PM
I still think they should set aside an allotted number of minutes (say 60 or 90, if people can keep their attention spans in check for that long) and just go and ask each candidate the same exact question, just so it would be easier to compare candidates. Then I would allow for some kind of response time as well, probably 30-45 seconds. I like your idea, but I would love to see more of a focus on asking the same exact questions to each candidate.

Of course, all this is moot, because the media is getting their way with the soundbite, frenzied-pace and ridiculously unfair debates. I would love if our "mystery billionaire" could somehow create a libertarian TV network and find enough interested parties that would pick it up, instead of the libertarian ideology being relegated to the basement of FOX News. :rolleyes: I am sure Judge Napolitano does a great job, but his show being on FBN probably only reaches hardcore supporters.

09-28-2011, 03:26 PM
I still think they should set aside an allotted number of minutes (say 60 or 90, if people can keep their attention spans in check for that long) and just go and ask each candidate the same exact question, just so it would be easier to compare candidates. Then I would allow for some kind of response time as well, probably 30-45 seconds. I like your idea, but I would love to see more of a focus on asking the same exact questions to each candidate.

Of course, all this is moot, because the media is getting their way with the soundbite, frenzied-pace and ridiculously unfair debates. I would love if our "mystery billionaire" could somehow create a libertarian TV network and find enough interested parties that would pick it up, instead of the libertarian ideology being relegated to the basement of FOX News. :rolleyes: I am sure Judge Napolitano does a great job, but his show being on FBN probably only reaches hardcore supporters.

I'd rather see that in some sort of online format. For example the network would interview each candidate separately & ask them all the exact same questions. They can have up to 10 minutes to respond to each question which would be converted to youtube videos. After all the interviews are completed, put it on their website & you could see the written questions along with each candidates answer. Preferably with some way to vote online for the candidate with the best answer.

09-28-2011, 03:29 PM
There is nothing "debated" in these debates. These are orchestrated and carefully censored dog and pony shows.