View Full Version : [VIDEO]Ron Paul - Jon Stewart Interview 9/26/2011(on air version)

09-26-2011, 10:57 PM
Not sure how long it will stay up:


Almost 20,000 views. 5 honors. Still live. I'm shocked.

09-26-2011, 11:07 PM
Awesome thanks. Hell of an interview.

09-26-2011, 11:08 PM

09-26-2011, 11:08 PM
Absolutely fantastic

09-26-2011, 11:41 PM
At least Jon Stewart is a principled progressive. Doesn't agree to sellouts to banking/military complex. I'd much rather be associated with Stewart than a Limbaugh to seeks to grow the central state for more war and surveillance.

Also, I didn't realize both Jon and Ron are left-handed (see handshake at the end).

Just kidding. ;)

09-26-2011, 11:42 PM
bad interview imo, glad you guys seem to like it though

09-26-2011, 11:44 PM

I yanked this from Reddit.

09-26-2011, 11:53 PM

09-27-2011, 12:03 AM
bad interview imo, glad you guys seem to like it though

I thought the same my first view. I just watched it again and I'm all smiles. I was exercising the first viewing but this time I listened to it properly.

It's a very good interview. It's especially good for the audience viewing. Paul brilliantly brought up the idea that his candidacy doesn't outlaw liberal thought; it just moves decisions to the state level. That combined with his statement on Washington inefficiency will bring in many liberals. I was a Democrat when Paul first caught me with his antiwar and his state level positions eased me in. That's how I bring in most of my liberal leaning friends as well.

09-27-2011, 01:02 AM
did some transcribing, might save someone some time. This is the excerpt that I posted with the link on FB:

"S- is that our choice, socialism and tyranny, or a free market that we must trust?

RP-one of the rules they had to take care of this blend that you might be looking for is that they had no prohibitions against the state...do it at the local level, cuz let me tell you we are not very effectien in Washington, you know we have run up a debt. Think about it like the pentagon, do you want to turn it over to Pentagon or the CIA or TSA and see how good they are.

Finally, the quote I have been looking for. Trust JS to get it out of him."

Transcript of that part of the conversation (please excuse the typos or edit for me):
RP and Jon Stewart 9-26-11
S – does he failure of gov to protect adequately make it a fiailure of government to have that responsibility
P – in a way especially at the federal level under our constitution
s- aren’t they a market system is what im saying wouldent you rather have people regulatin accountable to voters than corporations regulating themselves accountable only to share holders, isn’t our system, as unfair or at least not as good as it can be, but ast least they are accountable to us?
p- the rebulations are stricter in the marketplace, for instance the regulatore have been very much involved in the housing industry we printed a lot of money and we have mortgate companies and they had a big bubble and they made a lot of money, because we want to make sure everyone had a house , well they go broke so the regulators get bailed out, they bail out the companies, the middle class lose their jobs and they lose their houses. So all this desire to trust in the government to make sure big corporations don’t huyrt them are really a backfire on them. The regulations are much tuougher in a free markedt because you canot commit fraud, you cannot steal, you cannot hurt people, and failure has come that the gov wouldnet enforce this. In the industrial revolution there was a collusion and they could pollute and get away with it. In a true libertarian society and free market you cant do that you have to be responsible so the regulations would be tougher.
s- when you say that in a true libertarian society you have to be responsible, has that ever been tried. It sounds like when you sai the free market would regulate it much better, bit I think it hard for people who know the history of the industrial revolution to feel like it is not a pipe dream.
Rp- it has been tried, it has never been perfect, but has socialism and authoritarianism ever been perfect?
s- is that our choice, socialism and tyranny, or a free market that we must trust. Isn’t there a ground of competent..
rp- yes I believe that if you plant a seed it begins to grow. .. If you get government involved it grows… one of the rules they had to take care of this blend that you might be looking for is that they had no prohibitions against the state, so let bloomberg take care of it, let someone else do it
s- so oppression is not ok for the federal level, but if your state wants to oppress you..
rp- you have more control over it if its local, its not like saying that you have to have a little big gov to rescue the people that need it, well do it at the local level, cuz let me tell you we are not very effectien in Washington, you know we have run up a debt. Think about it like the pentagon, do you want to turn it over the the pentagon or the cia or tsa and see how good they are.
s- and you don’t worry that the states would develop there own mechanism for that type of activity
rp- lets hope the people would work it out and some states would do better than others. That was the wonderful part about our coutry. Look how the financial systems in some of the western states destroyed their jobs, and they moved south because they had more favorable conditions for working and less taxes so people migrated down.
s- well now it is a global correction, we would have to go all the way down to where china is to compete
rp- what has happended now is the we have undermined our whole environment, our monetary system ,our tax system, our regulatory system, so there is no plae to go we have chased them over seas. That is strongly related to the monetary system as well, if you print money it’s a good money it’s a good export , as long as they take it we can just buy stuff for free, that is our big problem.
s- it s always good to see you and I always enjoy our conversations, you really are one of our last consistent politicians that we see in this world, thank you.

09-27-2011, 01:32 AM
Bad interview. He was not speaking to the liberal audience. Opportunity blown. :(

The anti-war view. This is where you speak it.

10-04-2011, 11:03 PM
They killed my Youtube account today.

4 years of videos... gone.