View Full Version : Rick Perry The HP of Presidential Candidates

09-26-2011, 10:47 AM
Michael Tomasky tells us that we shouldn’t look to him for investment advice:

The conventional wisdom is dumping hard on Rick Perry. Politico blared Friday, in the wake of his fumbling debate performance, that he might already be “Texas toast.” This tells me now is exactly the time to buy Perry stock. The reasons are simple. First, the likelihood that Perry will iron out the wrinkles and become a better debater and candidate over time is greater, and maybe far greater, than the likelihood that Mitt Romney will become more acceptable to conservatives.

There is always the danger that the consensus on Perry’s weaknesses is an example of people seeing what they want to see. If enough people regard the prospect of a credible Perry candidacy to be disturbing, they may start to imagine that Perry’s candidacy is beginning to fail when it isn’t. However, I don’t think that explains what has been happening this week. Perry’s performance in the third debate has been universally derided as his worst one yet, which may mean that he cannot or will not “iron out the wrinkles” to become a better debater, perhaps because he doesn’t think he needs to do that. That may suggest a sense of entitlement that Perry feels because of his inflated national poll numbers. Whatever the reason, Perry has appeared to be getting much worse as a candidate since he launched his bid six weeks ago. More accurately, Perry was always a flawed candidate with some glaring weaknesses that have been fully exposed as he has been subjected to more scrutiny, and he has so far shown few signs that he can effectively criticize his rivals or make his arguments to advance his candidacy. His underwhelming second-place showing in the Florida P5 straw poll today suggests that activists have started to take notice.


09-26-2011, 01:38 PM
our "reset button" on the nintendo debate is on when the public is forgetful of current events.
mitt ran in 2008 and he got 250 convention delegates. rick perry is born in 1950 and is three
years younger than mitt and five years older than mike huckabee. if he discretely treats this
like an off-broadway play and tweaks his matinee idol "hair" performance, he might have the
benefit of time and amnesia if he focuses more on 2016 rather than 2012. texas toast, YES!