View Full Version : New tactic for those not involved directly with the campaign!

09-22-2011, 01:09 PM
Hi Paul-ians,

I'm someone who is not involved directly with the campaign but I find myself making stickers, coming up with slogans, writing songs, posting on boards, etc... for Dr. Paul anyways on my own time. Ive posted here about "We Need A Doctor" slogan and also suggested that the campaign direct a video to isolate the TRUE Paul supporters from the ones that make all of us look crazy (faux Tea-Partiers)...

I was posting on the Hill in response to a Budowsky article and coming to Pauls defense when I realized that the true problem between 'us' and 'the rest' is that it's hard to believe 'us' on such drastic levels, and in the posting I was writing, I was trying to stress that he was the "only candidate" for Peace and this-and-that. I stopped halfway through, and decided that it would be infinitely better if I could lay off the preaching and start pretending that I was just getting into him. As if I was learning about him but hadn't found enough resources in mainstream to know, but I was still interested enough to do my own research. I think hinting that people on the boards are trying to figure him out, as opposed to already preaching his philosophy may be a good technique, considering how the MSM likes to use his own eclectic, growing support against him. Its just an afterthought, but I think it will have effect to the extent that you can on any boards or forums. I will continue this on any medium I can until Dr. Paul is a household name.
So lets try to teach, not preach, and I think people, like a schoolroom full of students, will follow.
Good Luck and keep pushin', also, DONATE!!!


09-22-2011, 01:21 PM
that's exactly what I did with my twitter account at first, and now im up over 1,000 followers :)

09-22-2011, 01:34 PM
thats what Im doing now, and Im over 1000 followers as well lol