View Full Version : Obese Less Able to Control Food Impulses, Study Says

09-20-2011, 09:45 AM
Absolutely brilliant hypothesis

Obese Less Able to Control Food Impulses, Study Says

Thin people may be able to summon more mental defenses to resist tempting, high-calorie foods than obese people, researchers said on Monday.

Brain scans of thin people who looked at pictures of high-calorie foods showed increased activity in a region of the brain used for impulse control, but obese people showed little activity in this region, the researchers found.

"I think there essentially may be biological reasons why people can't necessarily control their desire for food," said Robert Sherwin of Yale University School of Medicine in Connecticut, who worked on the study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

The study is part of a push to understand the underlying biological processes that contribute to obesity, which affects more than one third of adults and nearly 17 percent of children in the United States.

Researchers at Yale and the University of Southern California used functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, to examine areas of the brain that become active when a person views images of high-calorie foods, healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and non-food items.

The study involved 14 healthy people, nine thin and five obese volunteers, who underwent brain scans two hours after eating. The researchers manipulated blood sugar levels, testing the subjects when they had normal and low blood sugar levels.

They found that when blood sugar levels were low, brain regions called the insula and striatum associated with rewards are activated, signaling a desire to eat.

The prefrontal cortex, which normally dampens signals to eat, was less able to put the brakes on signals generated from the striatum to eat.

That was especially true in the obese study subjects who were shown pictures of high-calorie foods.

But when blood sugar levels were normal, the thin study subjects showed greater activity in the prefrontal cortex, and this reduced activity in brain regions involved in rewards.

"There is a controller, a higher function that controls your reward centers. That controller is deficient in people with obesity. They don't activate that system," Sherwin said in a telephone interview.

He said larger studies are needed to confirm the findings, but the study does suggest that obese people may be less able to shut off parts of the brain that drive food cravings.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/09/20/obese-less-able-to-control-food-impulses-study-says/#ixzz1YVYfAIdV

09-20-2011, 09:46 AM
How much government funding are we giving for this?

09-20-2011, 01:55 PM
They needed a study to tell them this?

James Madison
09-20-2011, 02:04 PM
How about a study showing we've got a bunch of dumb fucks running this country?

Oh, wait! We've already got our evidence right here.

09-20-2011, 02:14 PM
This just in: Fat people like to eat!

Voluntary Man
09-20-2011, 02:18 PM
chicken? egg?

heck, all the talk of food is making me hungry.

09-20-2011, 02:34 PM
I want to see a study by government showing how MSG and Aspartame make people crave more carbs. We have a real obesity problem because people are consuming too much of these poisons!!

Genetics and Obesity - MSG
The real cause of what we think is genetic obesity is really monosodium glutamate (MSG). I was a skinny kid until my introduction to junk food.

The obesity problem in America directly correlates to the introduction and ever increasing use of MSG in our food. Almost all preprocessed food contains MSG. Many Americans eat processed food at all 3 meals plus snacks. This is the cause of obesity.

Genetics do play a role in obesity however. Some people are more susceptible to the effects of MSG than others. The age of MSG exposure also makes a difference.

When pregnant mothers eat MSG, it crosses the placental barrier almost unrestricted. The free glutamates in MSG cause brain damage to the unborn fetus. It is known that this causes obesity in the child for life. It is not truly genetics that predispose people to obesity but chemical poisoning. MSG is also belived by many to be the cause of autism, ADD, ADHD, diabetes, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's Disease.
Genetics and Obesity - Aspartame

Aspartame is MSG's evil twin. MSG is very, very bad, but aspartame is worse. The more of this poison America consumes, the fatter and sicker we get. It is also an excitotoxin and neurotoxin.

In the name of avoiding a few calories, we have turned to a product made from methanol and formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is collected in our organs, especially the liver.

The aspartic acid in aspartame has the same effects as glutamates in causing obesity, diabetes, etc. Pregnant women who consume aspartame (diet sodas and sports drinks) are poisoning their children in the womb.

Aspartame was denied approval for years by the FDA because it caused tumors and epileptic seizures in monkeys. It was finally approved under suspicious circumstances in 1981.
Genetic predisposition to obesity is mostly a myth. While some people can gain weight more easily than others, this is most likely caused by exposure to toxins in the womb.

If there were a group of people genetically predisposed to obesity, they would be obese in their native countries. There are no such people. Even Asians, who are the thinnest people in the world, have high obesity rates in the US.

I used to think genetics and obesity were related. Now that I have cured my obesity, I see it differently. Eliminating MSG and aspartame from my diet was a major part of my weight loss. I have made the decision to never consume them again.


More information:



09-20-2011, 03:06 PM
Study shows: chronic bitch-slapper less able to control impulse to bitch slap people.

09-20-2011, 03:21 PM
This study -no matter how obvious and factual it may be, I dismiss it on the basis that it doesn't support my victimization theory. I'm a victim god damnit. Why don't they get down on food makers about taste, if all food tasted like shit then almost instantly people would start shedding pounds. Let's also start by forcing minuscule serving portions. My first act (provided I was in power) would be to end the "endless" bread sticks at Olive Garden. Olive Garden and other restaurants have made it a mission to make delicious food and it needs to come to an end. Europe figured this out a long time ago. There is even historical accounts of this. Here is one of the better quotes "Don't make the commoners suffer the fate of over-indulgence in good food, bah let them eat cake". The end.

09-20-2011, 03:28 PM
I'd rather see research for fighting the war on the obesity of government.

Privately funded research, that is.

09-20-2011, 05:28 PM
The study involved 14 healthy people, nine thin and five obese volunteers, who underwent brain scans two hours after eating. The researchers manipulated blood sugar levels, testing the subjects when they had normal and low blood sugar levels.

Wait...shouldn't that be only nine healthy people?