View Full Version : Marching Straight into a Den of Rabid Left-Nationalists...

09-19-2011, 10:07 AM
Remember when liberals were all about questioning authority and doing your own thing? Looks like they changed their minds about all that...I never even got a memo! :D


09-19-2011, 11:09 AM
Ohmygosh, this is seriously the lulziest webbernet convo I've had in weeks.

09-19-2011, 11:12 AM
link dosnt work man.

09-19-2011, 11:17 AM
worked for me, the problem was understanding half of the incoherent dribble most of those people were spewing. honestly, i couldn't follow much of what most of those people were saying at all (except 'Cowboy', wonder who that is ;))...

09-19-2011, 11:46 AM
worked for me, the problem was understanding half of the incoherent dribble most of those people were spewing. honestly, i couldn't follow much of what most of those people were saying at all (except 'Cowboy', wonder who that is ;))...
Yeah it worked for me now.

They keep saying taxes have been cut to the bone, regulation has been cut to the bone and programs cut to the bone. I guess in there world we are living in anarco capitalism society lol.

09-19-2011, 11:50 AM
All hyper-nationalists are leftists. One of the greatest and more effective semantic weapons employed by the enemy is the "Nazis = Extreme Right" thing. No...it's extreme-left minus Internationalism plus hyper-Nationalism.

If we disregard that, at the end of the day, "left" and "right" is all baloney, "extreme-right" would be Ron Paul or von Mises.

09-19-2011, 11:02 PM
All hyper-nationalists are leftists. One of the greatest and more effective semantic weapons employed by the enemy is the "Nazis = Extreme Right" thing. No...it's extreme-left minus Internationalism plus hyper-Nationalism.

If we disregard that, at the end of the day, "left" and "right" is all baloney, "extreme-right" would be Ron Paul or von Mises.

Oh, I totally agree. The only difference between left-nationalism and right-nationalism is the flavor of the rhetoric used to sell it. The former uses appeals to class struggle and social justice to gain power, while the latter uses appeals to God, country, traditional morality, and cultural homogeneity.

09-20-2011, 04:20 AM
Oh, I totally agree. The only difference between left-nationalism and right-nationalism is the flavor of the rhetoric used to sell it. The former uses appeals to class struggle and social justice to gain power, while the latter uses appeals to God, country, traditional morality, and cultural homogeneity.

Societies without any trace of traditional morality and cultural homogeneity are societies walking towards the "left-nationalism", this is exactly why traditional morality and cultural homogeneity are attacked.

Of course you think that there are exceptions right? Africa and Asia for example...you probably think that there is nothing wrong with them preserving their national-characters right? Because...you know...they are "ethnic" while caucasian/western humans are "people" and "people" must be all "rainbow" and "multi-culti" while the "ethnics" have the perfect right to preserve their character right?

Sri-Lanka, Kenya, Japan, etc, preserving their character = Good
Estonia, Spain, England, etc, preserving their character = Bad

That One World-created blatant double-standard has to go...

09-20-2011, 04:31 AM
All hyper-nationalists are leftists.

What's a hyper-nationalist?

I'm a nationalist, but I'm a right-wing constitutionalist.

09-20-2011, 04:53 AM
What's a hyper-nationalist?

I'm a nationalist, but I'm a right-wing constitutionalist.

That's the spirit. I'm not a bigot, i like diversity. I like "my" americans american, "my" poles polish, "my" ukrainians ukrainian, "my" kenyans kenyan etc. The "nothingness" or multi-culturalism? No thank you, i'm not a bigot.

Are the Indonesians known for being "evil racists xenophobic bastards" for preserving their character? No. So the same standard should apply to "Westerners".

09-20-2011, 11:37 AM
Now she says the right of states to secede isn't written anywhere. I'm not quite sure how to address that.

09-20-2011, 01:23 PM
Now she says the right of states to secede isn't written anywhere. I'm not quite sure how to address that.

Why should it be? Our states/colonies voluntarily joined, where does it say they can't voluntarily leave? Mentioning the Declaration of independence isn't even necessary. But if words elude you, by all means use it.

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government...

Sometimes simple is better. I think the founders intent speaks for itself.


09-20-2011, 04:14 PM
oh, i totally agree. The only difference between left-nationalism and right-nationalism is the flavor of the rhetoric used to sell it. The former uses appeals to class struggle and social justice to gain power, while the latter uses appeals to god, country, traditional morality, and cultural homogeneity.
