View Full Version : Tea partiers partial to Ron Paul

09-16-2011, 11:18 AM

this is from Rand's neck of the woods....Cincinnati media covers a bunch of Kentucky.

It was one of several sites around the country where tea parties were plugged into the debate; and attendees were allowed to ask questions of the candidates.

Michael Wilson, the founder of the Cincinnati Tea Party, conducted a straw poll before the debate watch and a second one afterwards. A straw poll is a non-binding poll where participants are given a ballot, mark a candidate and drop it in a box.

The results were most interesting:

Ron Paul, the Texas congressman, was the clear favorite, with 51 percent of the vote before the debate and 52 percent after.

the other results were interesting, too. Perry dropped during the debate, MB went way up (but to lower than Ron) but in terms of where Perry's support was going, that's not great.

Note that CNN never mentioned these straw polls on the air despite the fact that they were held at their own events.

Also, this Larry Sabato person who only gives quotes to media and is so available he's on every article says the tea party will vote for Romney if that is the choice, because beating Obama is the biggest thing to them. And he should know, right?

09-16-2011, 11:22 AM
See? All you doubting thomases and negative nancy's out there, it IS working! Running and electing people who have crafted a "politically tolerable" version of the RP platform turns people on to Ron Paul in their districts. I know it has in mine, and now we see it did the same for Rand Paul. As we press forward, Kentucky, and the Triangle region of NC will both become more and more accustomed to this message until we can bring it with both barrels without causing a panic.

There has always been a method to our madness. Now with real evidence of effect! :D

09-16-2011, 11:41 AM
wow, great to hear some Tea Partiers are true to the cause!

09-16-2011, 07:45 PM
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